Articles About casino dealer

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How To Learn The Best Professional Casino Gambler Tricks

How To Learn The Best Professional Casino Gambler Tricks

Jonathan August 3, 2024 17:42:49

Though years of hard work and study, professional players have reached the point whereby they can make a decent living from sports betting and casino games. So it makes sense that a beginner to casino games should take the time to study their techniques and strategies for useful tips and tricks.

Top Ways To Beat The Casino Odds And Win

Top Ways To Beat The Casino Odds And Win

Jonathan August 2, 2024 20:30:11

Casinos are set up to ensure that they, as a business, makea profit. As gambling is a zero sum game, when one party wins, the other loses. Yet, it may be possible to get closer to winning by following certain rules and using some tips and tricks. However, remember that all casino games also revolve around luck.

Is Past Posting In Roulette A Good Idea At Casinos?

Is Past Posting In Roulette A Good Idea At Casinos?

Jonathan July 9, 2024 18:33:30

In many ways, most gamblers despise those players who resort to underhand methods in order to secure winnings by cheating. Past posting means laying a bet after the result. It's really nothing more than a sneaky move that'll get the player tossed out of the casino head-first. We suggest you stay away from any casino activities that involve any form of cheating.

How Easy Is It To Become A Live Online Casino Dealer?

How Easy Is It To Become A Live Online Casino Dealer?

Jonathan April 27, 2024 04:39:06

Although the thought of being a live dealer looking after punters at gaming tables might not be everyone's ideal cup of tea, it does pay well. However, you'll need plenty of skills, as well as having youth on your side. It might sound shallow, but you've probably noticed, they are all pretty good looking. Slim attractive girls with great tits and guys with chiselled jawlines.

Best Practices To Avoid The Dreaded Casino Backoff

Best Practices To Avoid The Dreaded Casino Backoff

Jonathan April 16, 2024 19:53:30

Casinos are businesses, and as such, have many rules about what's acceptable behaviour. In many ways these are just common sense rules to help maintain a good relationship between the players, dealers, and the casino itself. However, those who don't care to follow the rules can be asked to leave in a process known as the casino backoff.

A Complete Guide To Casino Dealer Phrases

A Complete Guide To Casino Dealer Phrases

Jonathan October 1, 2023 06:48:48

There's very litle point in sitting up at any casino table game if you don't fuilly understand the rules. After all, many of these games involve other players who will not be happy having to wait for you to clarify a rule. The same goes for understanding the casino dealer phrases. These are commonly used to describe various states of play or betting. Without them you'l be stuck.

How To Scam A Casino By Working With The Dealer

How To Scam A Casino By Working With The Dealer

Jonathan August 29, 2023 21:41:11

Of all the scams that brick-and-mortar casino have to put up with, and one of the most difficult to spot, are the ones involving the dealer and another player. That's because these can be pulled off with great care, leaving the casino scratching it's head as it tries to figure out exactly how the scam took place.

Can You Really Hack Online Casino Software To Win?

Can You Really Hack Online Casino Software To Win?

Jonathan August 28, 2023 19:58:17

With online casino being so popular, and with so many computer programmers out there, many are thinking about the feasability of hacking an online casino. After all, think of all the cash you could make by simply manipulating a casino table game. However, online casinos now have security on the same level as banks. Meaning there's no way to get any cash out of them. Any malicious software would be detacted in micro-seconds and shut down.

How To Make Online Gambling Fraud Work For You

How To Make Online Gambling Fraud Work For You

Jonathan July 21, 2023 21:07:03

Sometimes playing at either the land-based or online casino can seem like a lot of hard and expensive work to receive very little back in return. But imagine if you knew how to scam the casinos. Armed with the right knowledge, it might be possible for you to come out on top for a change. Even though the adage says that "the casino always wins," with the right fraud, maybe it's just not true.

Becoming a Dealer: Best Online Casino Dealer Schools In The US 

Becoming a Dealer: Best Online Casino Dealer Schools In The US 

Olena July 21, 2023 18:44:53

Becoming a casino dealer can open up a world of exciting opportunities. With the global gambling market estimated to grow from $450 billion in 2023 to $ 765 billion in 2027, there has never been a better time to start your career in this industry. But where do you begin? Online casino dealer schools are some of the best ways to gain the skills needed for this profession. In this article, we will explain everything about casino dealer schools, the benefits of enrolling in them, and how to choose the best one in the US.