Articles About cards

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Are There Really Any Secret Betting Patterns In Baccarat?

Are There Really Any Secret Betting Patterns In Baccarat?

Jonathan July 13, 2024 21:06:19

The problem with betting patterns in any casino game, is that they require you to base assumptions on previous results. With the game of baccarat being based solely on luck, this strategy is never going to be any more successful than simply guessing. It also harks back to the dangerous Gambler's Fallacy.

A Complete Gamingzion Guide To Spanish 21 Blackjack

A Complete Gamingzion Guide To Spanish 21 Blackjack

Jonathan July 5, 2024 19:19:59

It's hard to imagine the effects of removing all the 10 cards from the deck in a game of classic blackjack. Yet what we're describing in a variation of the classic table game, Spanish 21. The betting and rules are pretty much the same between these two games. However, Spanish 21 boasts some small changes that can have a big effect on final outcomes.

How Easy Is It To Become A Live Online Casino Dealer?

How Easy Is It To Become A Live Online Casino Dealer?

Jonathan April 27, 2024 04:39:06

Although the thought of being a live dealer looking after punters at gaming tables might not be everyone's ideal cup of tea, it does pay well. However, you'll need plenty of skills, as well as having youth on your side. It might sound shallow, but you've probably noticed, they are all pretty good looking. Slim attractive girls with great tits and guys with chiselled jawlines.

Do You Have The Characteristics Of A Card Counter?

Do You Have The Characteristics Of A Card Counter?

Jonathan April 19, 2024 20:35:17

Hollywood movies would have you beleive that counting cards requires the IQ of Albert Einstein. It really doesn't. Yes, you'll need to be able to concentrate and look cool at the same time. However, though you might think this is easy, remember that because counting cards needs a particular and recognisable betting pattern, it's pretty quick for both your dealer and the pit boss to pick up on.

The Psychology Behind Why Casino Card Tables Are Green

The Psychology Behind Why Casino Card Tables Are Green

Jonathan October 17, 2023 18:15:36

Have you ever thought about the connection between the colour of the baize on a snooker table and the colour of casino gaming tables? You'll notice that they are both green. In facty, pretty much the same shade of green. Why is this? Well, the answer is that one followed the other. However, that's not the whole answer. Green also has some psychological effects on players.

The Psychology Of Luck At Online Casinos

The Psychology Of Luck At Online Casinos

Jonathan October 9, 2023 17:54:02

Many people see a link between luck and preordained fate. They believe that luck can be manipulated into falling under their control. That's why gamblers beleive so strongly in rituals and superstitions. By making a wish, the numbers will turn to their favour. Though this is not going to work in practice, there is some truth in the fact that just by delieving in something, it may well happen.

The Hot Hand Fallacy – An Expensive Misconception

The Hot Hand Fallacy – An Expensive Misconception

Jonathan August 24, 2023 21:20:10

It's probably because gambling involves such a large element of luck, that amny gamblers begin to beleive that winning is somehow tied to being able to control good fortune. But another way of looking at luck is to call it by its true name, randomness. Yet still players fall under beliefs that inanimate objects like dice and playing cards can somhow influence upcoming outcomes.

Gambling games in ancient and medieval China: the invention of card games (Part 2)

Gambling games in ancient and medieval China: the invention of card games (Part 2)

Peter May 4, 2017 05:30:25

The early production of paper contributed to the appearance of card games that revolutionized gambling games in ancient and medieval China. It is widely held today among anthropologists that the first playing cards appeared in China in the end of the 9th century. Due to this invention the period that followed was one of expansion […]

Gambling in ancient and medieval China: the home of board games (Part 1)

Gambling in ancient and medieval China: the home of board games (Part 1)

Peter May 2, 2017 06:27:26

Although China today has a rather ambiguous relation to gambling, the Chinese culture can be without doubt named the cradle of gambling. According to diverse allegations, playing games of chance, in one form or another, can be traced back to the period of the Xia (2000-1500 B.C.) and Shang (1700-1027 B.C.) dynasties. In particular, as […]