Articles About Boris Johnson

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You Can Bet On Keir Starmer Showing Absolutely No Mercy Now

You Can Bet On Keir Starmer Showing Absolutely No Mercy Now

Nich Moore February 11, 2022 12:29:43

As leader of the opposition in the UK, you’d think Keir Starmer would find the current situation amusing. Why wouldn’t he laugh at the dire malaise into which the Conservatives dove headfirst? However, those who regularly bet on politics in the UK know this week wasn’t much of a laugh for the Labour leader. Which means you can probably bet on Keir Starmer dropping any pretense at playing Mr Nice Politician. The caretaker has taken over the company, and he’s not happy.

You Can Bet On The Conservative Party Ending Their Hunt Soon

You Can Bet On The Conservative Party Ending Their Hunt Soon

Nich Moore January 24, 2022 22:52:15

Everyone is rather enjoying watching Boris Johnson squirm. Well, everyone except the BBC perhaps. He has run out of plausibility in the same way Wiley Coyote runs out of ground. Just like the cartoon carnivore, Boris too will now plummet. So, you have to bet on the Conservative Party going into overdrive trying to find a replacement. A quick look at the odds on online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 and you know lots of people want the job. Just not now.

The Odds On UK Politics Making Sense Grow Ever More Remote

The Odds On UK Politics Making Sense Grow Ever More Remote

Nich Moore July 19, 2021 12:12:45

Online sportsbook sites in the UK have always offered odds on UK politics as well. Sometimes a wager on our political masters is a novelty flutter to enjoy. So you might think that as Boris Johnson and his Home Secretary find themselves massively condemned those prices would be in flux. Far from it. The odds on the Conservatives are still shorter than the odds on Labour. Even after Brexit. After all the scandals. After this staggering hypocrisy. But who’d bet on UK politics making sense?

The Cynical Now Bet On Michael Gove Leading The Tories Next

The Cynical Now Bet On Michael Gove Leading The Tories Next

Nich Moore June 30, 2021 14:24:26

The tabloid press took great pleasure in rendering Matt Hancock yesterday’s man. They piled on the humiliation as the Health Secretary’s career ended in ignominy and on the cover of The Sun. Ah well. Still, it’s an ill-wind. Sajid Javid got an instant promotion out of it and you can now safely bet on Michael Gove getting the party leadership. Sure, he’s not getting the best prices at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 right now, but that won’t stop him. Not this time.

Fun And Games As G7 Bet On Joe Biden Changing US Global Role

Fun And Games As G7 Bet On Joe Biden Changing US Global Role

Nich Moore June 16, 2021 21:34:18

Cornwall, the long southerly westward extension of the UK, is quite picturesque. It has dramatic coastlines backed by beautiful countryside. A lovely place for the G7 Summit at which America began to emerge, diplomatically, from under the shadow of its former President. Luckily, you can bet on Joe Biden continuing to provide a stark contrast as the US returns to the grown-ups table. So why do online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada still give him 3/1 to quit the White House this year?

A Bet On UK Politics Climbing Out Of The Trenches Is Insane

A Bet On UK Politics Climbing Out Of The Trenches Is Insane

Nich Moore June 11, 2021 14:50:46

The most common bet on UK politics these days is how soon Boris Johnson will lose his job. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 offer a range of prices on that depending which year you pick. However, that’s just froth on the top of the political wave, and deep in the bowels of Britain the real battle continues. Twice before the UK has tried to redraw its political districts, and twice is has abandoned the plans in chaos. So why do they think it’ll be different this time?

You Can Always Bet On England To Sabotage Themselves

You Can Always Bet On England To Sabotage Themselves

Nich Moore June 9, 2021 12:07:54

You can always bet on England sabotaging their own chances whenever possible. They just can’t help it. From the crowd booing a gesture of solidarity against racism to cricketers posting racist tweets, just when English sport needs to focus, it ambushes itself. Just what effect this will have on their performance is questionable, how it’ll change their odds at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365, unknown. But there’s no avoiding the conversation now, well, unless you’re Boris Johnson.

Don’t Bet On UK Politics To Punish The Prime Minister

Don’t Bet On UK Politics To Punish The Prime Minister

Nich Moore June 4, 2021 15:40:06

Anyone in the UK gambling laws of poetic justice would see Boris Johnson hung by his old ally Dominic Cummings was going to be sorely disappointed. The evidence was long, tedious and not especially revealing. But, Boris, just to be on the safe side, took the added precaution of getting married to distract everyone. It worked. Johnson survives another round of scandals, but with a defeat at the hands of his own party in the works, how long should you bet on UK politics keeping him in power?

Batley And Spen By-Election Odds Underline Labour’s Problems

Batley And Spen By-Election Odds Underline Labour’s Problems

Nich Moore May 27, 2021 15:58:52

Labour have real issues. They face a hostile right-wing press, a post-Brexit political landscape and a government with no shame. Scandal after scandal just seem to wash off Boris Johnson and his Conservative cabal. Labour should be walking all over these corrupt inept bumblers, but they’re not. The by-election odds in from Batley And Spen prove that. Online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 give the Tories a shorter price now, which may explain Labour’s choices.

The Odds On The Hartlepool By-Election Could Hang Labour

The Odds On The Hartlepool By-Election Could Hang Labour

Nich Moore April 26, 2021 16:56:56

Hartlepool has an interesting history. Most places in the UK do. They’ve had plenty of time to accrue some. Unfortunately, the only part anyone outside Hartlepool can actually remember is that they once hung a monkey. So, the odds on the Hartlepool by-election at online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 would always be of interest to the press. Monkey hanging makes for great headlines. However, this time round, the chances of a Tory win give it substance as well as froth.