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Bug Fights: Betting on Crickets

Bug Fights: Betting on Crickets

Jonathan December 20, 2019 16:33:42

Betting on crickets goes back more than 1,000 years to the Tang Dynasty, the fighting of male crickets is still remains a very popular sport and past time in modern day China.

Bear Baiting Bets: A History of Blood Sports in Elizabethan Times

Bear Baiting Bets: A History of Blood Sports in Elizabethan Times

Jonathan December 9, 2019 11:23:59

Bear baiting bets In Elizabethan times kept everyone entertained. In Macbeth, there is a stanza he speaks to his enemies: “Have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly, But, bear-like, I must fight the course.” Today this holds little meaning. But in the year of the play, 1606, if one were to take a short walk from Shakespeare's own Globe Theater, you would find the "Bear Gardens". This was where dogs, bears, bulls, chimps and other creatures had to fight to the death in front of roaring crowds, many of whom were gambling on the outcome.

Dog Fight Betting: The Underground World of Dog Fighting

Dog Fight Betting: The Underground World of Dog Fighting

Jonathan November 13, 2019 17:12:17

Nothing quite mixes the excitement of blood and money as the betting on blood sports, most notably, that of dog fighting. In spite of legal efforts, it exists as an underground sport in virtually all countries around the world. And where there's dog fighting, there's also dog fight betting.