Articles About Bet on the Conservative Party

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The Long Odds On Keir Starmer Letting Boris Off The Hook

The Long Odds On Keir Starmer Letting Boris Off The Hook

Nich Moore February 3, 2022 13:37:40

The Gray Report should have ended the Partygate Scandal. Boris Johnson should have read it, done the decent thing, and resigned. Most people who like to bet on politics in the UK would have put money on him going. Instead of which Boris Johnson is still running the country, ruling his party and lying in parliament. He clings to his job sacrificing all to do so. That’s why online bookies in the UK like Bet365 have shortened the odds on Keir Starmer and Labour winning.

Labour Have Bet On Keir Starmer Finally Finding His Feet

Labour Have Bet On Keir Starmer Finally Finding His Feet

Nich Moore January 10, 2022 14:20:58

The New Year looks bright for Labour and you can bet on Keir Starmer making hay whilst the sun shines. Well. If he ever gets to leave his house again. Still, despite that small set back he does have a lot in his favour right now. Anyone who likes to bet on politics in the UK can smell the end of Boris Johnson approaching. It’s just a matter of time. That’s why Bet365 and other online bookies in the UK are offering such interesting odds on UK politics right now. It’s game time.

Everyone Bet On Boris Johnson Basically Being Bonkers

Everyone Bet On Boris Johnson Basically Being Bonkers

Nich Moore November 26, 2021 13:40:43

No one likes watching someone go mad. Mental illness still carries a considerable stigma in our society. So seeing the Prime Minister go off his rocker is awfully embarrassing, especially for the Conservative Party. They, alas, will have no one but themselves to blame. We all saw this coming. They knew what they were getting into. Now they want out. That’s why a bet on Boris Johnson leaving in 2022 gets such short prices at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365.

The Odds On Boris Johnson And The Tories Beggar Belief

The Odds On Boris Johnson And The Tories Beggar Belief

Nich Moore October 14, 2021 10:57:15

Those who regularly bet on politics in the UK can’t explain it. The pundits can’t explain it. No one can explain it. The odds on Boris Johnson and the Conservatives remain healthy despite a string of scandals. Apparently, the British populous are willing to see it through to the bitter end and so is Boris. However whilst the public stand square behind Boris you can bet on the Conservative Party eying where to stick the knife when it comes time for Bojo to carry the can.

The Odds On Keir Starmer Staying Labour Leader Lengthen

The Odds On Keir Starmer Staying Labour Leader Lengthen

Nich Moore September 15, 2021 19:03:54

Keir Starmer looked such a safe pair of hands after Jeremy Corbyn. The Labour Party needed a different sort of leader after the radical grass-rooter and perhaps over compensated. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are now offering odds on Keir Starmer facing the next election as party leader of around 8/15. He won’t find that particularly reassuring. Especially not now he has to weather the critics within the party who disagree with his handling of Jeremy.

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson Going Anywhere Fast

Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson Going Anywhere Fast

Nich Moore June 24, 2021 20:35:02

You can always bet on UK politics surprising anyone who thought it’s as bad as it could get. People thought that after Profumo. They were wrong. So anyone in the UK gambling laws of decency alone would mean this is now the bottom of the barrel is probably wrong. Indeed, many observers now bet on Boris Johnson chancing his arm, and probably getting away with it. Which goes some way toward explaining some of the odds on UK politics you can get at Bet365.

Labour Party Has To Mull Over The Odds On Andy Burnham

Labour Party Has To Mull Over The Odds On Andy Burnham

Nich Moore May 19, 2021 11:14:52

Keir Starmer put on a brave face but the local election results were dire. Labour losing Hartlepool demonstrated just how much trouble they’re in as a party. This means a lot of people are now questioning if Keir is the right man for the job. So if you’re looking for an excuse to take advantage of UK gambling laws a speculative bet on the next Labour leader may work. Your only problem will be deciding if the odds on Andy Burnham make him a winner or doomed.

The Labour Party May Not Continue To Bet On Keir Starmer

The Labour Party May Not Continue To Bet On Keir Starmer

Nich Moore May 12, 2021 12:13:14

Anyone who bet on the Labour Party to do better in the local elections was kidding themselves. Even if you didn’t bet on the Conservative Party to win in Hartlepool you knew it wasn’t going to end well. Now, however, you have to wonder if Labour will continue to bet on Keir Starmer leading them to victory. It seems unlikely. Hence the odds on Andy Burnham as the next leader of the Labour Party have tumbled at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 recently.

Odds On The Next UK PM Suggest Another Stab In The Back

Odds On The Next UK PM Suggest Another Stab In The Back

Nich Moore November 9, 2020 14:34:42

Online sportsbook sites in the UK have always offered political books. A bet on UK politics not being everyone’s cup of tea, these are most busy around elections. When public interest is highest. However, whilst most don’t notice the odds on the next UK PM loitering quietly, politicians do. Boris Johnson, current Prime Minister, will thus not be happy to see it is not the leader of the opposition he should fear replacing him, but his own Conservative colleagues.