Online Bingo News in Saudi Arabia - March 2025

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Why the Online Gambling Market Will Be Huge in 2020

Why the Online Gambling Market Will Be Huge in 2020

Jonathan January 30, 2020 13:03:28

To be sure, the online gambling market will be huge in 2020. Just think back, it doesn't seem that long ago, when in order to have a punt, you'd be needing to get yourself to the betting shop or casino. I mean, like actually drive your lardy ass there. To a physical location. How quaint! But thanks to the reach of the Internet, those days have gone the way of the horse drawn carriages, Blockbuster Video and burning witches.

Is Luck a Factor in Gambling?

Is Luck a Factor in Gambling?

Jonathan January 30, 2020 11:40:07

That is the gamblers question: Is luck a factor in gambling? Since a hairy stone aged man rolled some bones in an empty skull, the question always arises. Is the result due to luck or skill? Yes, of course luck is probably the major ingredient. But, is not entirely the whole picture. For certain games, there is a strategy, which requires some form of skill, that can help tip the balance in your favor.

How To Use Bitcoin In Gambling

How To Use Bitcoin In Gambling

Jonathan January 29, 2020 15:37:59

So what exactly is Bitcoin? And how can you use Bitcoin in gambling? Well, the short answer is that it's a digital currency or cryptocurrency that can be both created and stored electronically. It's controlled by it's users (decentralized) rather than a bank or other fixed organization.

How to Play Online Bingo

How to Play Online Bingo

Jonathan January 29, 2020 14:07:20

So you want to know how to play online bingo. Probably when you think of the game, you imagine lots old people, dressed in too many cardigans, with their old people smell, sitting in a cold church or bingo hall.

Understand the Gambler’s Fallacy

Understand the Gambler’s Fallacy

Jonathan January 29, 2020 11:38:37

The simplest way to understand the Gambler's Fallacy is to toss a coin. Obviously there are two possible outcomes. Each one has an equal chance of occurring. Now if we toss the coin 10 times in a row, we might reasonable expect to get 5 heads and 5 tails. But we could equally expect to get 10 heads in a row.

Lottery Winner Stole $4 Million Ticket

Lottery Winner Stole $4 Million Ticket

Jonathan January 28, 2020 12:24:49

A Lottery winner stole $4 million ticket in December 2019. A Massachusetts woman who claimed a $4 million scratch-ticket prize, is now accused of exploiting the alleged real winner, because he couldn’t speak English.

Odds to Robin Hood an Arrow

Odds to Robin Hood an Arrow

Jonathan January 24, 2020 15:28:48

The odds to Robin Hood an arrow in archery are pretty low. This is where one arrow splits the other down the middle. Named after the Robin of Loxley, that guy in tights running around Sherwood Forest in the Middle Ages with his bunch of merry men. Sounds pretty suspect!

What is the UK Gambling Commission?

What is the UK Gambling Commission?

Jonathan January 24, 2020 12:38:35

In 2005, under the Gambling Act, the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) was born. It's purpose is to regulate commercial gambling in Great Britain. Being sponsored by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and it sets out the licensing conditions and codes of practice.

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Gambling – 17 Tips to Control Your Luck

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Gambling – 17 Tips to Control Your Luck

Casimir January 23, 2020 17:08:54

Gambling leads to addiction, puts you in financial disaster, even more, this stressful activity also can get on your nerves. But wait for a moment. What if I tell you there is a way to earn a lot of money without risk-taking and statistics. If you learn how to use the law of attraction in gambling, you can fulfill your dreams and desires. The only thing you have to do is believe in it and follow these 17 easy instructions.

7 Reasons The Ban On Credit Card Gambling In The UK Is Awful

7 Reasons The Ban On Credit Card Gambling In The UK Is Awful

Nich Moore January 16, 2020 17:25:59

The Conservative government in Britain is cracking down on gamblers. After touting it for years they’ve now instituted a ban on credit card gambling in the UK. This will place pressure both on those who like to bet on sports in the UK, and online bookies. Sites like Bet365 will now have to hope 10.5 million people can change their habits. That’s how many people are gambling with a credit card in the UK right now. Apparently that’s not enough. So here’s 7 reasons it’s a bad idea.