Online Poker News in Qatar - December 2024

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History of Gambling in Sweden

History of Gambling in Sweden

Parandzem January 7, 2020 15:08:27

Sweden has a long history of gambling. The new Swedish gambling law accepted in 2019 comes to truly change the history of gambling in Sweden. Since the year of 2002 gambling online became legal in the country. Until 2019 the only legal place for the Swedish were two state-run organizations. On the contrary of this situation, the new law gives legal space for hundreds of online non-government gambling services.

Gambling Jokes and Puns

Gambling Jokes and Puns

Jonathan January 7, 2020 13:00:37

Lets find some gambling jokes and puns. Most of these would fall under the category of "dad jokes". This means that they're the type of sad and lame jokes your dad might find amusing. If he went total retard. But would just make any normal person cringe with embarrassment and shame. As if we care!

Four Coin Tosses That Changed History

Four Coin Tosses That Changed History

Jonathan January 6, 2020 16:39:40

Coin tosses are one of the most common means of settling any dispute. Throughout history this simple process has decided many the outcome of many draws or results that were tied. Here are three famous coin tosses that changed history. Here are the famous four coin tosses that changed history.

Top 5 Poker Facts You May Not Know

Top 5 Poker Facts You May Not Know

Lala January 5, 2020 17:23:39

Many users who are seriously interested in poker want to know everything about this game. They are interested in history and the news. This is not surprising, because if a person wants to begin to understand a certain field, then he must learn all the details about it. Online poker sites in the US are full of diverse information. Here also we will try to help you. We will move away from theory and tell you the top 5 poker facts you may not know. The reading of which is a great way to spend time relaxing between game sessions.

New Record for US Sports Betting Markets

New Record for US Sports Betting Markets

Jonathan January 3, 2020 18:03:45

Well, there's a new record for US sports betting markets. They're on the up. This is thanks, in part, to last years Supreme Court rulings allowing betting in more US States, the handle for all online sports betting saw an increase to $1.4bn. Both public perception and the political will has also been a main drive in sports betting becoming more acceptable. But as the industry rapidly expands, some industry players are going to struggle.

UK Calls for Online Gambling Limit

UK Calls for Online Gambling Limit

Jonathan January 2, 2020 16:27:46

Well, it had to happen. UK calls for online gambling limits were discussed by MP's last week. And lo and behold, some of the largest UK betting companies immediately saw a massive drop in company share value. This was thanks to a new Government report which suggested  that the maximum online wager should be £2.

Guinness Gambling World Records

Guinness Gambling World Records

Jonathan January 2, 2020 11:52:11

We found many Guinness gambling world records as we were flipping through the Guinness Book of World Records for anything gambling related. Here are some of the many entries we discovered. Lets kick off with slots.

Gambling History in Virginia

Gambling History in Virginia

Parandzem January 1, 2020 12:26:12

Virginia is not one of the most “gambling friendly” states in the US. Moreover, it has very strict laws and only several types of gambling are legal in the state. However, Gambling History in Virginia might change soon with its possible first casino opening in the State.

Lucky Gambling Gods

Lucky Gambling Gods

Jonathan December 31, 2019 14:16:30

Believe in the lucky gambling gods? Which ones do you pray to? Because of the nature of gambling, it's not surprising that gamblers are a superstitious bunch. The same goes for gamblers from the distant past. There are always Gods and deities, who, with the right prayers or offerings, might bring about a change in your fortunes. Let's have a look at some historic ones from around the world.

The Time to Solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves

The Time to Solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves

Jonathan December 31, 2019 13:53:30

Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves? It could take awhile. There are so many variables, that we need to first set some parameters. Between being extremely lucky and solving it quickly, to working on it forever. A perfectly random scrambled Rubik's cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 (quintillion) possible positions. And they all have an equal probability.