Online Poker News in Nigeria - March 2025

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Lucky Gambling Gods

Lucky Gambling Gods

Jonathan December 31, 2019 14:16:30

Believe in the lucky gambling gods? Which ones do you pray to? Because of the nature of gambling, it's not surprising that gamblers are a superstitious bunch. The same goes for gamblers from the distant past. There are always Gods and deities, who, with the right prayers or offerings, might bring about a change in your fortunes. Let's have a look at some historic ones from around the world.

The Time to Solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves

The Time to Solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves

Jonathan December 31, 2019 13:53:30

Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves? It could take awhile. There are so many variables, that we need to first set some parameters. Between being extremely lucky and solving it quickly, to working on it forever. A perfectly random scrambled Rubik's cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 (quintillion) possible positions. And they all have an equal probability.

The must-read books on gambling

The must-read books on gambling

Parandzem December 23, 2019 12:26:04

In this article, we have listed a number of our favorite books on gambling. If you enjoy gambling or the idea itself the list is just for you. In this case, we have chosen several must-reads for you. We have two categories here. First, the classic literature for the ones who prefer offline gambling. And second, books for people who are into online gambling.

Books That Were Written On A Bet

Books That Were Written On A Bet

Jonathan December 20, 2019 10:03:30

Ever wonder what is it that exactly inspires an author to take up the pen and start spinning a tale? Some claim to be enlightened by dreams. Yet others are moved by some life event or some small detail noticed during the daily grind of life. But there are some great books which were written on the whim of another person.

Taxes on Lottery Winnings

Taxes on Lottery Winnings

Jonathan December 19, 2019 10:14:02

Let's be frank here, taxes on lottery winnings are a bummer. Imagine...the good've just won the lottery!

Decline in Number of UK Child Gamblers

Decline in Number of UK Child Gamblers

Jonathan December 18, 2019 13:07:07

Even though there has been  a decline in number of UK child gamblers, prepare yourself. Tiss the season for a slew of horror stories about child addicts. That’s because it’s the time of the year that the Gambling Commission puts out it’s annual report on young people and gambling. The Daily Mail, never one to tone anything down, had to jump in. It wrote, “Now 55,000 children are gambling addicts - quadruple the number of only three years ago”

Online Card Games and Myths and Facts

Online Card Games and Myths and Facts

Jonathan December 18, 2019 10:57:01

When it comes to online card games and myths and facts, gamblers and card players are a superstitious bunch. They like to believe that there is more to luck than just chance. You can find them seriously studying the previous numbers at the roulette wheel with a notebook and pen in hand. Scouring the horse betting card, searching for some sort of pattern that will lead them to the next number, and the dopamine rush of a win.

Chances of Surviving the Sinking of the Titanic

Chances of Surviving the Sinking of the Titanic

Jonathan December 16, 2019 14:12:05

So what were your chances of surviving the sinking of the Titanic? She was sunk on the 15th April after striking an iceberg on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York in 1912. Though the thinking today is that she was severely structurally weakened after a serious fire in the engine room. Apart from the awful tragedy of 1496  people dying, it also spawned the equally awful and unfortunate song by Celine Dion.

Bad Luck Signs From Around The World

Bad Luck Signs From Around The World

Jonathan December 14, 2019 11:13:54

Check out these bad luck signs from around the world. Are you feeling superstitious? These are the odd ideas that dwell on the edge of social beliefs. They can arise out of helplessness, fear or sometimes by chance. Many have absolutely no scientific basis. And many are not even linked to religious faith either. And yet, like a minor irritation that cannot be scratched, they persists all efforts to extinguish them.