Online Poker News in Nigeria - December 2024

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A Complete Guide To Game Theory Optimal In Poker

A Complete Guide To Game Theory Optimal In Poker

Jonathan January 3, 2024 20:36:10

GTO in poker stands for "Game Theory Optimal." It's a strategy that aims to play in a way that cannot be exploited by opponents, assuming they are also playing optimally. As such, it involves considering probabilities, ranges of hands, and optimal betting sizes to create a strategy that is difficult to exploit.

What is Limping in Poker – How To Avoid Losing To Passivity

What is Limping in Poker – How To Avoid Losing To Passivity

Zsolt December 29, 2023 18:54:02

There are different types of failures in poker. Sometimes a passive strategy can win the game for you. However, using a passive strategy every time you play can make your rate worse. This is why we are going to explain what is limping in poker, and how to avoid being a limper. Join us today, and learn more about the world of online poker strategies.

Most Famous Names In Gambling – Who Changed The Game

Most Famous Names In Gambling – Who Changed The Game

Zsolt December 27, 2023 17:07:15

Today we are going to talk about some of the most famous names in gambling. These people have defined trends, strategies, and personalities within the world of well… mainly poker. However, there are going to be some unexpected picks on this list, which will make it that much more exciting. Join us and review the most relevant picks this year.

Bad Gambling Movies – How Hollywood Gets It Wrong

Bad Gambling Movies – How Hollywood Gets It Wrong

Jonathan December 14, 2023 23:54:47

Though audiences might be on the edge of their seats as they watch a movie set in the casino, for many real gamblers, the feeling is one of unease. That's because these films always get the actual gambling scenes completely wrong.

Gambling In Chinese Culture – Why The Chinese Love To Gamble

Gambling In Chinese Culture – Why The Chinese Love To Gamble

Jonathan December 12, 2023 13:14:41

That the Chinese love to gambe is beyond dispute. However, was it always so? And why are the Chinese of today still gambling as much, if not more, than their forefathers? The factination with games of chance has both a historical and cultural foundation. This has lead to gambling becoming an enduring part of Chinese culture.

Religious And Ethical Perspectives On The Morality Of Gambling

Religious And Ethical Perspectives On The Morality Of Gambling

Jonathan December 11, 2023 21:07:42

Though many see gambling as a harmless activity, it's not really true. There will always be those players who fall from grace thanks to overspending on casino or betting games. So it's only right that society as a whole should question whether the benefits of allowing people to enjoy themselves gambling are outweighed by those poeple who suffer due to the precence of gambling opportunities.

Gambling And The Media – The Influence Of Popular Culture

Gambling And The Media – The Influence Of Popular Culture

Jonathan December 11, 2023 20:00:31

Whether film or literature, gambling is often portrayed as a glamourous and positive expereince. Winning is seen as part and parcel of the whole gambling process. However, reality is very different. Sadly, the unrealistic bature of gambling that's shown in the media has an unrealistic knock-on effect for would-be gamblers.

How To Prepare For Your First Poker Tournament – To Do Your Best

How To Prepare For Your First Poker Tournament – To Do Your Best

Zsolt December 11, 2023 16:17:33

How to prepare for your first poker tournament? We are going to prepare you for everything you need to know. From handling your budget to understanding your real-life time management. Honestly, learning strategies is one thing. But preparing so you can be fully present in body, mind, and soul is the key to becoming not just a successful, but a content and confident poker player.

Unique Lucky Charms For Gamblers From Around The World

Unique Lucky Charms For Gamblers From Around The World

Jonathan December 8, 2023 17:11:32

It's no real suprise that most gamblers are superstitious. Afterall, with the need for luck being paramount in having any chance of winning real money casino games, players tend to look for charms and things that represent good fortune to help improve their winning chances.

How The Wild West Influenced Modern Gambling Terms

How The Wild West Influenced Modern Gambling Terms

Jonathan December 8, 2023 16:50:46

Seeing a group of cowboys sitting at a card table in a dark and smokey saloon is a common trope in many Hollywood Wild West movies. With the New World opening up to Europeans, many bought playing cards with them. Being one of the most popular pastimes, it's no surprise that many of today's gambling terms and slang come from the early American pioneers.