Online Poker News in Nigeria - December 2024

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Reasons Why Critical Thinking In Poker Is So Important

Reasons Why Critical Thinking In Poker Is So Important

Jonathan April 27, 2024 05:28:54

With poker being played directly against other players who are seated at the same games table, then critical thinking becomes an essential element in deciding who will win and who will lose. Pyschological tricks like maintaining a poker face or bluffing need both thought and care in their utilisation. A successful poker player needs to juggle many aspects of the game simultaneously.

Using Social Media Gambling Ads To Promote Gambling

Using Social Media Gambling Ads To Promote Gambling

Jonathan April 27, 2024 05:14:40

Let's be honest here, gambling companies are not in the "honesty" business. In many cases, it's clear they prefer to break the rules in order to make a financial killing, already knowing the penalties (if any) will be paltry in comparison to their profits. It's the same story with using social media for gambling ads. The fact that it's mainly children seeing them doesn't matter to the iGaming industry.

How Easy Is It To Become A Live Online Casino Dealer?

How Easy Is It To Become A Live Online Casino Dealer?

Jonathan April 27, 2024 04:39:06

Although the thought of being a live dealer looking after punters at gaming tables might not be everyone's ideal cup of tea, it does pay well. However, you'll need plenty of skills, as well as having youth on your side. It might sound shallow, but you've probably noticed, they are all pretty good looking. Slim attractive girls with great tits and guys with chiselled jawlines.

How To Spot A Poker Pro? – The Traits Of A True Gambler

How To Spot A Poker Pro? – The Traits Of A True Gambler

Zsolt April 26, 2024 19:10:32

Whenever we are in a casino, the danger of running into an incognito poker player is high. These players are going to act like they are beginners, who have the luck to win the table. However, most of the time they are repeating the same route over and over as a full-time job. Join us, and learn how to spot a poker pro, and to potentially avoid them.

Alice In Borderland Cards Explained – Suits And Face Cards Guide

Alice In Borderland Cards Explained – Suits And Face Cards Guide

Zsolt April 25, 2024 17:43:29

Today we are going to have all of the Alice in Borderland cards explained! Whether you saw the show, or are considering watching it, this article is going to clarify the essence of what makes this series, manga, and anime so outstanding and unique. The article contains spoilers.

Tips To Learn New Poker Skills To Improve Your Game

Tips To Learn New Poker Skills To Improve Your Game

Jonathan April 19, 2024 22:37:51

After playing many casino games, new players will quickly discover that a different approach is required for poker. After all, here's a game that needs some serious skills. So the question arises, how does a player who's beginning their poker journey learn new poker skills? Let's see the best ways to get the knowledge needed to win those poker pots.

Why People Gamble Even When They’re Losing

Why People Gamble Even When They’re Losing

Jonathan April 19, 2024 20:57:12

If you've never stepped foot into a real land-based casino, or played casino games at online casino websites, it's going to be difficult to explain the allure that gambling holds over some people. There's certain buzz of excitment, not just at the prospect of winning, but of losing as well. The casino knows this, and as a result introduces many psychological aspects to gameplay that keep players hooked.

Best Netflix Shows In April 2024 – What To Watch This Month?

Best Netflix Shows In April 2024 – What To Watch This Month?

Zsolt April 19, 2024 11:53:57

We are here to give you our list of the best Netflix shows in April 2024! We made a diverse list that gives you a masterpiece in its category. These Netflix movies and series managed to surpass expectations by a mile and even put a cherry on top with different aspects. We will give you a brief introduction to the show, without giving you any major spoilers.

Psychological Tricks To Win At Poker – Top Tips To Bluffing In Poker

Psychological Tricks To Win At Poker – Top Tips To Bluffing In Poker

Zsolt April 17, 2024 15:34:37

Today, we are going to give you some psychological tricks to win at poker! If you are already good at the game rules, and know how to bluff, then this is the next step for you to improve your game. If everyone plays on equal levels, then only luck determines the winner. Be ahead of luck, and try to undermine your opponents while you play the game with a level head.

Top 7 Ways To Find Poker Card Cheaters And How To Avoid Them

Top 7 Ways To Find Poker Card Cheaters And How To Avoid Them

Jonathan April 10, 2024 17:12:47

Some casino game players will do anything to win. Instead of just enjoying the games, they are constantly looking for an edge. This might be perfectly legal. But some will resort to underhand techniques like marking their cards in poker. So it's important to know how to detect these cheaters in order to avoid playing with them.