Online DFS News in Nigeria - December 2024

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Kai Koenisch Looks at Winning the Second FanTeam FIFA 20 Tournament

Kai Koenisch Looks at Winning the Second FanTeam FIFA 20 Tournament

Anas April 22, 2020 10:37:19

The second FanTeam FIFA 20 tournament is currently underway, with eight talented gamers competing for the top spot. You can seize the opportunity to place a bet on the potential winner of every match. The best picks are Amid Arab and Kai Koenisch who reached the final in the first tournament.

Online Live Dealer Casino Games: A Complete Guide

Online Live Dealer Casino Games: A Complete Guide

Jonathan March 27, 2020 14:16:12 offers an extensive online live dealer casino games directory. You can find the best online casinos with live dealer games, live casino signup bonuses, tip and tricks in this directory.

Player Gambled Away $6M from Investors

Player Gambled Away $6M from Investors

Jonathan February 13, 2020 13:22:33

An unlucky player gambled away $6M from investors. Now it turns out that a dozen investors will still be out of pocket after losing all that money to a fraudster. They had sues the MGM Grand Detroit for the $6 million they lost. But a court ruled that the casino was not responsible.

Online Casinos Can Advertise on Google

Online Casinos Can Advertise on Google

Jonathan February 3, 2020 15:53:36

Hold onto your hats everyone....Google has just announced that it's prepared to change it's stance on US gambling advertisements in 2020. The plan is to ease up on casino advertising and rid the internet of the sweeping ban on gambling ads.

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Gambling – 17 Tips to Control Your Luck

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Gambling – 17 Tips to Control Your Luck

Casimir January 23, 2020 17:08:54

Gambling leads to addiction, puts you in financial disaster, even more, this stressful activity also can get on your nerves. But wait for a moment. What if I tell you there is a way to earn a lot of money without risk-taking and statistics. If you learn how to use the law of attraction in gambling, you can fulfill your dreams and desires. The only thing you have to do is believe in it and follow these 17 easy instructions.

7 Reasons The Ban On Credit Card Gambling In The UK Is Awful

7 Reasons The Ban On Credit Card Gambling In The UK Is Awful

Nich Moore January 16, 2020 17:25:59

The Conservative government in Britain is cracking down on gamblers. After touting it for years they’ve now instituted a ban on credit card gambling in the UK. This will place pressure both on those who like to bet on sports in the UK, and online bookies. Sites like Bet365 will now have to hope 10.5 million people can change their habits. That’s how many people are gambling with a credit card in the UK right now. Apparently that’s not enough. So here’s 7 reasons it’s a bad idea.

7 Reasons The Ban On Credit Card Gambling In The UK Is Great

7 Reasons The Ban On Credit Card Gambling In The UK Is Great

Nich Moore January 16, 2020 17:13:56

There will be many among us who will not think this goes far enough. That it is merely a step in the right direction. However, it is progress. The ban on credit card gambling in the UK still allows those who wish to bet on sports in the UK to do so. It will simply make it far less easy for those with restraint issues from getting into unmanageable debt. Given that’s a couple of million people you’d think that enough, but for those still not convinced here are 7 other reasons.