Latest Online Gambling News on Politics in United-states

Top 4 Bets on the Ukrainian Presidential Election

Top 4 Bets on the Ukrainian Presidential Election

Anas December 6, 2018 12:04:22

Ukraine’s Presidential election will be held next year. Yet, there is no dominant candidate as of now. The bookies’ top candidates are the pro-Russian Yuriy Boyko, the incumbent President Petro Poroshenko, the new face Anatoly Gritsenko, and the pro-EU Yulia Tymoshenko. Their betting odds are pretty close right now.

Draft Brexit Agreement Betting

Draft Brexit Agreement Betting

Anas December 1, 2018 12:21:22

EU leaders and the UK Cabinet have endorsed the 585-page draft Brexit deal. PM Theresa May will now try to win support from a simple majority in the House of Commons. She will have to collect more than 320 votes. Bookmakers offer draft Brexit agreement betting odds on May’s ability to persuade the MPs that her deal is better than no deal.

Bet on Stephen Barclay to Quit as Brexit Secretary in December

Bet on Stephen Barclay to Quit as Brexit Secretary in December

Anas November 22, 2018 13:32:10

Stephen Barclay is the third Brexit Secretary in six months. Barclay is loyal to PM Theresa May, but how long will he be able to hang on? You can bet on Stephen Barclay to quit the job, if May’s Brexit plan fails to get through the House of Commons in mid December.

Bet on the Mueller Probe to Close and the Special Counsel to be Removed

Bet on the Mueller Probe to Close and the Special Counsel to be Removed

Anas November 14, 2018 12:28:26

President Trump forced Jeff Sessions to resign after the midterms and named his loyalist Mathew Whitaker, as acting attorney general. Whitaker might fire Mueller if the special counsel goes after Trump’s kids. You can bet on that and you can bet on Muller’s Russia investigation to close before the end of this year.

UK FOBT Legislation Spawns Rebellion In The Tory Ranks

UK FOBT Legislation Spawns Rebellion In The Tory Ranks

Nich Moore November 14, 2018 10:02:15

For those that regularly wager on Bet365, one of the best online betting sites in the UK at present, the cap placed on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals by new government legislation may seem a distant issue however the decision to wait till October 2019 to enforce the new rules have now spawned a backbench rebellion that may see the Conservatives become the first to vote down its own budget bill in the last 40 years, UK FOBT legislation apparently as tricky as Brexit.

Bet on the Next Speaker of the House to Be Hoyle or Harman

Bet on the Next Speaker of the House to Be Hoyle or Harman

Anas November 12, 2018 15:26:10

With the latest allegations on bullying and sexual harassment in the British Parliament, the current Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow faces great pressure to stand down. If he quits, we opt for betting on the next Speaker of the House to be either the Deputy Lindsay Hoyle or Labour MP Harriet Harman.

Bet on the Next Irish Labour Leader After Howlin

Bet on the Next Irish Labour Leader After Howlin

Anas November 9, 2018 14:33:57

The Irish Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin is facing calls to resign from within the party, after no signs of progression in polls for the last two years. If Mr Howlin steps aside, you can bet on the next Irish Labour leader to be either Alan Kelly, Jan O’Sullivan, or Sean Sherlock.

Beto O’Rourke 2020 US Presidential Election Odds Tighten Up

Beto O’Rourke 2020 US Presidential Election Odds Tighten Up

Nich Moore November 9, 2018 13:12:15

The 2018 Midterm elections put the Democrats back in charge of the House but left the Senate in the hands of the Republicans heralding years of political deadlock ahead, however down in Texas the loser this autumn is being hotly tipped as a White House hopeful two years hence. Does that mean the Beto O’Rourke 2020 US Presidential Election odds bookies like Bovada, one of the best online betting sites in the United States, are offering should be snapped up now? Probably.

Bet on Merkel’s Successor in CDU

Bet on Merkel’s Successor in CDU

Anas November 5, 2018 12:07:32

Germany’s Angela Merkel will not run for chancellor in the next federal elections. Also, she will step down as the leader of her Christian Democrats (CDU) party. Therefore, you can already bet on the next CDU party leader. To help, we are bringing you the best betting tips for Merkel’s successor.