Latest Online Gambling News on Politics in United-states

Bet on Germany to leave the EU: what are the chances?

Bet on Germany to leave the EU: what are the chances?

Lala December 20, 2019 12:13:28

German Vice-Chancellor said that the EU future is threatened by Brexit. He also mentioned that Germany is the largest contributor to the budget of the European Union. You can take your chance and bet on Germany to leave the EU. It seems almost impossible to move further since they are at 40/1. In addition, the UK will continue to enjoy the benefits of the EU even after leaving the union. And at the same time will not bear any responsibility for this situation.

Peter Buttigieg US President odds: Could Gay Politician Actually Become the US President?

Peter Buttigieg US President odds: Could Gay Politician Actually Become the US President?

Parandzem December 19, 2019 12:51:26

On November 3, 2020, Americans will vote for the next US president. The youngest presidential candidate in the US is the Democrat Pete Buttigieg. He has already passed Senators Warren and Sanders and is second only to former Vice President Biden. Will the 46th President of The United States be Chalotic gay from the Mid-West? Let’s take a look at Peter Buttigieg US President odds.

Decline in Number of UK Child Gamblers

Decline in Number of UK Child Gamblers

Jonathan December 18, 2019 13:07:07

Even though there has been  a decline in number of UK child gamblers, prepare yourself. Tiss the season for a slew of horror stories about child addicts. That’s because it’s the time of the year that the Gambling Commission puts out it’s annual report on young people and gambling. The Daily Mail, never one to tone anything down, had to jump in. It wrote, “Now 55,000 children are gambling addicts - quadruple the number of only three years ago”

The Odds Trump is Impeached

The Odds Trump is Impeached

Jonathan December 18, 2019 10:25:13

The odds that President Donald Trump will suffer impeachment in the House hit all-time highs on popular betting websites. This comes as the Democrat's impeachment inquiry uncovers yet more new and disturbing details on the Ukraine scandal.