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Best Time to Buy Lottery Tickets in 2022

Best Time to Buy Lottery Tickets in 2022

Kateryna December 11, 2021 23:35:30

Want to buy a winning ticket? Then be sure to check out the lunar calendar. There you will find favorable and unfavorable dates for buying tickets. The influence of the lunar phases affects which lottery tickets one gets in hand - winning or blank. So how one can increase the chances of victory. In this article, we will discuss the best time to buy lottery tickets. Let’s get started!

5 Steps Guide on Playing Online Poker with Friends

5 Steps Guide on Playing Online Poker with Friends

Anas December 11, 2021 16:23:56

If you are looking for a bit of poker and a bit of conversation, then how about managing your own private game with friends? It is a very easy thing to do, and clearly, present-day technology makes it even easier. Just check our detailed guide here on how and where to play online poker with friends. We walk you through step by step from opening an account to managing your own poker game.

What Are the Best Esports to Bet on?

What Are the Best Esports to Bet on?

Zsolt December 11, 2021 01:28:25

Back in the old days, the term “professional gamer” came with a series of scoffs and mocks. But today we talk, play, compete, and gamble digitally. If you are new to all this, do not worry. We collected today’s best esports to bet on.

Best Gambling Destinations in Africa Today

Best Gambling Destinations in Africa Today

Kateryna December 11, 2021 00:33:28

Few will think of Africa when they hear something about the world's gambling centers and in vain. Over the past few years, gambling has been gaining popularity on the African continent. Indeed, here the gambling market is developing at a rapid pace. Maybe in a few years, Las Vegas will lose some of its fans to this exclusive market. Let’s look at the best gambling destinations in Africa. 

Monopoly Winning Strategies – The Secrets of Winning Money Online

Monopoly Winning Strategies – The Secrets of Winning Money Online

Zsolt December 10, 2021 14:45:02

Everyone played Monopoly at least once in their life. Whether with family or friends, now they can turn this playful experience into serious cash by playing against people on the internet. When playing with real money, Monopoly becomes a serious business, which requires a game plan before hopping into the game. With these Monopoly winning strategies, you can learn the micromanagement of this game!

How to Identify A Bad Poker Player: Might It Be You?

How to Identify A Bad Poker Player: Might It Be You?

Kateryna December 9, 2021 01:05:48

As with other strategy games, poker players use different tactics to win. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to beat some opponents. However, both in online poker and land-based casinos it is possible to find players who are weaker than you. To defeat weak poker players, take advantage of their shortcomings and little experience in the game. But first, you need to learn how to identify a bad poker player!

Easy Baccarat Strategies for Beginners

Easy Baccarat Strategies for Beginners

Kateryna December 7, 2021 19:36:00

Let's be honest, there is no single correct baccarat strategy that will guarantee you victory. Therefore, all those who claim to have managed to crack the baccarat code are nothing more than self-proclaimed experts who may not have enough money to maintain their gaming skills and technique. Although there is no single game strategy, there are certain rules. Thanks to them you can spend your time playing baccarat with pleasure and benefit. In this article, we will look at easy baccarat strategies for beginners. 

Our Findings for Most Common Bingo Numbers in 2023 Revealed

Our Findings for Most Common Bingo Numbers in 2023 Revealed

Anas December 6, 2021 18:23:09

No doubt that when it comes to bingo, winning is strictly about luck. However, that did not stop us from taking a data-driven look into some tactics to enhance your chances of winning. One of such tactics we cover here is knowing and using the most common bingo numbers.

Bingo Tips For Beginners You Should Know About

Bingo Tips For Beginners You Should Know About

Beata December 4, 2021 03:04:38

Are you new to bingo? Don't be afraid! With a little practice and some tips, you can be a professional in no time. Honestly, bingo is one of the most common and the easiest way to gamble. Read the best bingo tips for beginners and you will master the game easily!

Rediscovering Bingo in 2022: What is Special about This Game?

Rediscovering Bingo in 2022: What is Special about This Game?

Kateryna December 1, 2021 21:02:15

What is “bingo”? It is a popular game in which the outcome depends solely on probability and luck. To participate in it, you need to purchase special cards, and to win you need to have a little luck. This type of lottery has caught the fancy of millions of fans around the world. As in any other game, there are different versions and different ways and options for winning. For example, in the UK they play a version called "90-Ball Bingo”. This look is slightly different from the American version called "75 Ball Bingo". Some people consider this kind of entertainment for oldies only. However, in this article, we are rediscovering bingo in 2022.