Latest Online Gambling News on Finance in United-states

New Record for US Sports Betting Markets

New Record for US Sports Betting Markets

Jonathan January 3, 2020 18:03:45

Well, there's a new record for US sports betting markets. They're on the up. This is thanks, in part, to last years Supreme Court rulings allowing betting in more US States, the handle for all online sports betting saw an increase to $1.4bn. Both public perception and the political will has also been a main drive in sports betting becoming more acceptable. But as the industry rapidly expands, some industry players are going to struggle.

The Hungarian Football Training Disaster

The Hungarian Football Training Disaster

Jonathan December 31, 2019 14:35:50

The Hungarian football training disaster just goes from bad to worse. Lets get one thing straight. Hungarian football is not short of money. Between 2011 to 2018 the sport received over 791 billion Forints from the central budget. Hungarian football academies which have the task of producing the next generation of star players managed to secure 162 billion Forints of that.

Bet on the Next Chief Executive of the FCA to be Tracey McDermott

Bet on the Next Chief Executive of the FCA to be Tracey McDermott

Anas December 30, 2019 17:45:19

The search for a new replacement to Andrew Bailey, the Chief Executive of the FCA is underway. Top candidates include Tracey McDermott, Chris Woolard, and Sam Woods. You can place your bet on the next Chief Executive of the FCA, with the bookies favoring Ms. McDermott to win the top position.

How To Gamble Online In Ukraine In 2020

How To Gamble Online In Ukraine In 2020

Kateryna December 26, 2019 15:09:42

In January, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has developed and submitted to parliament a bill on the legalization of gambling in the country. A complete ban on this business was introduced in 2008. However, since then it has been actively developing in the shade. Moreover, a huge amount of funds is rotating within this industry on the web. Soon everything will change. Get ready to pay taxes to gamble online in Ukraine. 

Buy Your Own Scottish Football Club

Buy Your Own Scottish Football Club

Jonathan December 23, 2019 12:44:54

Ever dream of owning your own Scottish football club? Well for one Scottish man that dream came true when he took over his local boyhood team.

Taxes on Lottery Winnings

Taxes on Lottery Winnings

Jonathan December 19, 2019 10:14:02

Let's be frank here, taxes on lottery winnings are a bummer. Imagine...the good've just won the lottery!

How bitcoin works:  Satoshi Nakamoto and Innovative network of payments

How bitcoin works: Satoshi Nakamoto and Innovative network of payments

Lala December 16, 2019 13:31:49

You will need to create your wallet with Bitcoin Payment System in several cases. Firstly, you must have some information about how bitcoin works. Then you must choose a type of payment. Second, there may be a calculation for earnings due to exchange rate fluctuations. The wallet will become a transit one, its owner after a certain growth will constantly sell cryptocurrency on online sportsbook sites in the UN.

Ukraine Gambling Ban Getting Repealed

Ukraine Gambling Ban Getting Repealed

Jonathan December 14, 2019 12:31:53

So is the Ukraine gambling ban getting repealed? Hopefully it'll soon be a thing of the past. This is thanks to the submission of a recent initial bill to the Ukrainian Parliament. It looks like legal gambling is finally coming to the country. This would lift the gambling ban which has been in place since 2009.

Best Betting Strategies of All Times – How to Be a Gambling Expert

Best Betting Strategies of All Times – How to Be a Gambling Expert

Casimir December 12, 2019 21:01:38

Which are the best betting strategies? Are these methods exist? If yes, why not everybody uses them? The answer is simple. You need a calm head to choose the wagers that can make you rich. In this short conclusion, I will share with you which methods to choose and how to use them. But the only one who can make the correct speculations is you.

Breaking The Bank – The Story of Charles Deville Wells

Breaking The Bank – The Story of Charles Deville Wells

Peter K. December 11, 2019 14:39:29

Back in the days in 1891 Monte-Carlo, every roulette table had a cash reserve of 100.000 francs. Once somebody won so much money that the table couldn’t pay, it was announced that the winner broke the bank and the table was closed until they brought extra founds. Charles Wells broke the bank and won 1 million francs with his flawless roulette strategy. He was not just breaking the bank of the casino, he even broke his own bank once.