Online Poker News in Hungary - March 2025

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Asian Gambling Culture – What Makes Asian Games Unique

Asian Gambling Culture – What Makes Asian Games Unique

Zsolt May 6, 2022 11:39:55

The Asian gambling culture is much different than the western cultures. It has many features and concepts America and Europe are rarely familiar with. They host one of the most beautiful casinos to ever exist. Furthermore, they have unique games and cultural phenomena that make the whole experience unique for a foreigner. These differences show in their law and mentality about gambling.

Best Poker Ads Ever

Best Poker Ads Ever

Eniko May 4, 2022 19:59:35

Poker is one of the most popular gambling games with lots of different companies offering poker games on their sites. There is a big race for customers between them, motivating their creative people to create memorable TV commercials.  But the biggest poker tournaments like World Series of Poker and World Poker Tour have also come up with great ads. Let’s read more about the best poker ads ever. 

Legal Card Counting Strategies Right Now – Win With Math

Legal Card Counting Strategies Right Now – Win With Math

Zsolt May 4, 2022 19:53:26

If you wish to master the legal card counting strategies right now, then you should get familiar with the Knock Out, Hi-Lo, and the KISS III strategies. Because they are one of the most efficient ways to count cards legally. Card counting is legal as long as you are not using any tools to keep track of the numbers. Therefore, no law or casino can ban you from using your brain and mathematical skills.

Best Hotels For The WSOP – Discount On Booking Rooms

Best Hotels For The WSOP – Discount On Booking Rooms

Zsolt May 4, 2022 12:33:06

We collected the best hotels for the WSOP. If you are interested in a luxury experience, then you should visit Caesar's palace. However, if you are looking for a more lowkey and less expensive alternative, then you could simply visit The Flamingos. The most prestigious casinos in Vegas got their promo code from WSOP for you to use. Furthermore, you can also just stay in Airbnbs, as one of the most affordable alternatives available.

How to Play HORSE Poker – An Ultimate Guide

How to Play HORSE Poker – An Ultimate Guide

Olena May 2, 2022 21:25:06

Looking for new challenges in poker? Learn how to play HORSE Poker - a unique and entertaining form of poker played in casinos, at online poker sites, and even the World Series of Poker. In this guide, we will explain all the rules of HORSE Poker with examples and winning strategies.

Most Unusual WSOP Rules

Most Unusual WSOP Rules

Eniko April 29, 2022 12:23:24

Each sport has its own rules and poker is no exception. What’s more, one of the biggest poker tournaments, the World Series of Poker has its own special regulation. Like different sanctions on bad behaving players or the ban of advertising crypto-currency and marijuana products. Both belong to the most unusual WSOP rules, see some more below. 

How To Prepare For WSOP – Bring Out Your Absolute Best

How To Prepare For WSOP – Bring Out Your Absolute Best

Zsolt April 21, 2022 19:57:53

The World Series of Poker is about to begin. They plan to make the greatest poker event of the century, and knowing them, they are already doing it. If you are anxious then you should follow our advice about how to prepare for WSOP. Try to focus on your mental and physical health in the upcoming weeks, and let your poker-mind play at the table. Make sure to join the tournament with a strategy, and don't shy away from eating.

How Poker Billionaires Live – A Real Life Playboy

How Poker Billionaires Live – A Real Life Playboy

Anna April 20, 2022 20:16:40

As you can imagine, a poker billionaire's life is full of glamour and luxury. We will introduce an American poker billionaire, Dan Bilzerian, to you. According to his social media accounts, Dan is not short of money and women. He was among the first Instagram stars who got famous only because of his pictures. Though, not about his poker career, but parties and, mostly, women. People call him the King of Instagram. He literally has an ever-changing and growing harem. Most men watch the playboy poker player’s pictures jealously. In this article, we will show you how poker billionaires live!

Gambling In Folklore – Tales And Stories of Luck And Fortune

Gambling In Folklore – Tales And Stories of Luck And Fortune

Zsolt April 16, 2022 12:00:36

If you are interested in the best appearances of gambling in folklore, then we got you. Because we collected the most interesting folk tales about gambling in world history. Gambling was not always about funding education and cities. But it was sometimes just for the sake of playing. Sometimes people were driven by greed, and if they were, they met godly creatures who arrived to fool them. Mythology is rich in gambling.

Ontario Gambling Market – Government Monopoly Is Over

Ontario Gambling Market – Government Monopoly Is Over

Zsolt April 8, 2022 09:42:02

The Ontario gambling market opened its doors to foreign online gambling operators. This is a new page in Ontario’s gambling life because up until today, there was a monopoly on the provincial government’s gambling industry. From now, the citizens of Ontario will be able to legally join one of the most prestigious sportsbooks and casinos in the whole world. Hundreds of iGaming operators have started to register for their licenses.