Online Poker News in Germany - December 2024

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Biggest Poker Comebacks In History

Biggest Poker Comebacks In History

Eniko November 15, 2021 19:29:24

We can all remember some legendary comebacks in different sports from football to tennis. But probably not many of us would think about poker regarding big surprises. Although some great players have also produced shocking wins when everyone thought the game was all over for them. These are the biggest poker comebacks in history. 

Who else wants to enjoy the best gambling games to play alone?

Who else wants to enjoy the best gambling games to play alone?

Anna November 15, 2021 12:46:26

Gambling is a worldwide activity. Every country has its casinos and gambling halls, where you can play alone or with a group of friends. Some try the whole repertoire of the dozens or hundreds of games until they find the perfect fit for them, and some have an innate gift for certain gambles. Games usually require a variety of strategies and quick logic, but many depend entirely on luck. Lone wolves have endless options when it comes to gambling. If you prefer to go solo, we help you find the best gambling games to play alone.

Poker Starting Hand Selection Guide

Poker Starting Hand Selection Guide

Kateryna November 13, 2021 20:17:00

It is very important to have good starting hand selection skills in Texas Hold'em as this will prevent you from hitting pots with bad hands that would ultimately lead you to lose money. Yes, any hand can indeed win in Texas Hold'em (or poker in general), but the fact is that some hands will win much more often than others. Thus, if we stick to playing good hands, we will likely see better results in the long run. So what shall we do? Let’s take a look at poker starting hand selection!

Betting Options in Poker Explained – Basic Poker Rules

Betting Options in Poker Explained – Basic Poker Rules

Olena November 12, 2021 13:04:36

Every poker player needs to know the basics of the game. In particular, betting options in poker is one of the first things beginners should learn about before they play poker for real money. Read how betting works in this classic card game.

Basic Poker Set Elements

Basic Poker Set Elements

Eniko November 3, 2021 20:41:22

Poker is one of the most popular card games played by millions of people all around the world. You can play it online, at home, or in casinos. What’s more, you can earn lots of money at different tournaments. But even if you choose to stay on an amateur level and just have fun with your friends, you can get a great experience with the following basic poker set elements. 

Poker Skills That Improve Your Life in 2022

Poker Skills That Improve Your Life in 2022

Kateryna October 28, 2021 09:54:53

Poker, like many other games, has always been a way of developing skills and knowing the world around. Perhaps the latter is easier to see when it comes to sports and children's play. Fighting older siblings, for example, is not a waste of time, but a relatively safe way to practice skills that can be very helpful in adulthood. This is so natural that this behavior can be found not only in humans but also in most mammals and even some birds. However, even though modern economics prioritizes mental ability over physical ability, most people do not see the connection between games (board or digital) and the skills they need to develop. Therefore, in this article, we will distinguish poker skills that improve your life!

Best Poker Rooms in the USA to Try Your Luck on Today!

Best Poker Rooms in the USA to Try Your Luck on Today!

kuda October 27, 2021 10:17:58

Nowadays, players are spoilt for choice when it comes to land-based casinos with exceptional poker rooms in the US. However, picking the best poker rooms is no easy task. That's where we step in.  At this time, we’ve put together a list of the best poker rooms in the USA that offer a truly unforgettable and rewarding experience.

Most Famous Poker Tournaments

Most Famous Poker Tournaments

Eniko October 25, 2021 22:09:00

This year all major poker tournaments have returned to the calendar and held live again.  Including the World Series of Poker and the World Poker Tour. But more and more poker players compete in online poker tournaments as well like WCOOP which belongs to the most famous poker tournaments in the world today. 

Indian Poker Explained: Tips from Pros

Indian Poker Explained: Tips from Pros

Kateryna October 23, 2021 20:20:13

Routine is tiresome. This rule applies to any event or action, and even poker has not been spared. Having played hundreds of hours of Omaha or Texas Hold'em, a lively sparkling interest and desire to think over strategies and develop gaming skills disappear. However, there are many types of poker games, and some of them are very interesting. Especially those that are not very popular among gamblers. For example, few people have heard about the rules of Indian poker, and only a few know the name. Nevertheless, the game is great for relaxing with friends, after hard days. In this article, you will have Indian poker explained. 

WCOOP 2021 Champion: Who Got the Main Poker Award?

WCOOP 2021 Champion: Who Got the Main Poker Award?

Kateryna October 13, 2021 23:20:16

The WCOOP 2021 Main Event has ended with Russian poker player Sergei Denisov winning. He won $ 1.5 million although he had the shortest stack at the final table. This did not stop him from getting the second WCOOP title in his career and the maximum prize money. Let’s find out more about the WCOOP 2021 Champion.