The brand new online casino welcome package at 24Bettle Casino offers 5 deposit promotions…
…which means that you can claim a total of €1,200 deposit bonus. It sums up as the following: you can claim a 100% first deposit bonus, a 50% second deposit bonus, then 40; 30 and 20% deposit bonuses upon your third, fourth and fifth deposits respectively. All for a maximum of €240 deposit prize. In addition, new players at the site can also apply for 240 free spins, so you can really enjoy online gaming thanks to this online casino welcome package. Check out the latest review about 24Bettle Casino and start the registration process right away!
- Deposit promotions on your first 5 deposits!
- A total of €1,200 bonus prize!
- +240 bonus free spins as well!
- Available for all new players