Your Stars This Week: November 9, 2015

Posted: November 9, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you in the coming week.

AriesAries March 21 – April 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Adrien Brody, also an Aries like you, might well have played Harry Houdini on television but it’ll be you who’ll need an escape from the ongoing pressures this week. Try to find a few moments to relax doing something you love and not spend every waking hour fretting over issues that will only be resolved with time. If gambling is your thing you could find a relaxing wager at Pinnacle Sports will reflect you’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs this week. Your lucky passenger aircraft is an Airbus A321.

TaurusTaurus April 20 – May 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Shirley MacLaine, another Taurus, might have been Walter Mitty’s mother on the big screen but it’ll be you dealing with daydreaming fantasists this week and keeping them on track so things happen on time could be the lion’s share of your problems this week. If it feels like attempting to herd cats you’re probably on the right track, and remember, they’ll appreciate the “encouragement” so long as you don’t let it stray into being a taskmaster. Your lucky educational establishment is the University of Missouri.

GeminiGemini May 21 – June 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Aaron Sorkin, also born a Gemini, might have a direct line to the liberal left but you’ll be the one having to listen to plenty of whining this week. Attempt to demonstrate sympathy for their plight and lend assistance when you can, but remember sometimes people just need to get it off their chest and you may have to just nod along as they talk. You’ll find the weekend shorter than you’d wish but with more in it than you expected. Your lucky building in central Moscow is the Lubyanka.

CancerCancer June 21 – July 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Arianna Huffington, a Cancer upon the Earth, might have written three books about faith but it’ll be you that displays some this week and whether it’s supporting those nearest and dearest to you or putting a shoulder to the wheel at work when others are ready to give up, your unshakeable conviction will be a
rock of encouragement for those around you. A small success early on the week should steady people’s nerves, and you’ll get to rest yours come the weekend. Your lucky Pokemon is Klinklang.

LeoLeo July 23 – August 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Famous Leo Antonio Banderas may well have been the voice of Puss In Boots but you’re going to have to be the voice of reason this week so whatever happens stay calm and present a realistic opinion based on the facts and try to negate some of the hysteria created by the overly pessimistic imaginations of others. Fortunately you’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling so you’ll pick just the right time to interject and precisely the right tone to use when doing some betting at NetBet Sportsbook. Your lucky religious festival is Christmas.

VirgoVirgo August 23 – September 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Virgo Beyonce Knowles might have mused on a gender change in “If I Were A Boy” but it’ll be you that has to man up this week whether you’re one already or not. Do not back down from petty confrontations as they’ll only get worse if you give them space to grow, so nip this in the bud just as soon as possible. You’ll find you’ve more allies than you think who also don’t need the atmosphere when they’re trying to get things done. Your lucky Swiss municipality is Villeret in the Canton of Bern.

LibraLibra September 23 – October 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

That weird Libra Al Yankovic might have created numerous funny songs but it’ll be you that has to dance to a new tune this week as things chop and change when you least expect it. What was once accepted wisdom has now been swapped for something else and you better get with the program lest you let the side down. You’ll have fun this weekend as the plans of others go precisely as they claim they will despite your reservations about the whole thing. Your lucky island is Penghu.

ScorpioScorpio October 23 – November 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Fellow Scorpio Bjork might well have announced it was all so quiet and all so still, but it’ll be you for whom time seems to stand still this week as life trundles on like a road without bend or undulation, enjoy it for the calm period it is and remember, no news is good news a vast majority of the time. Your weekend will be slightly more energetic than last and be prepared to suffer inclement weather at the worst possible moment. Your lucky Nuclear warhead delivery system is the D5 Trident Missile.

SagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Little Richard, also born Sagittarius like you, may well have been Tutti Frutti but it’ll be you that will feel the need for more flavor this week, in life as in ice cream. For the sake of variety you should try something new, and don’t worry you’ve the perfect horoscope for betting so whatever you choose, the chances are it’ll be the right thing to take your mind off things. If you’re apt to wager on the football your luck will probably show at Paddy Power. Your lucky hydroelectric facility is the Xiaowan Dam, China.

CapricornCapricorn December 22 – January 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Zooey Deschanel, another Capricorn, might have been the New Girl but that doesn’t mean she’s alone in sometimes feeling like she’s surrounded by people who don’t understand her. Don’t worry, we all feel like that on occasion but unfortunately this week for you, it’s true, they just don’t “get” you. Try not to let it annoy you and avoid long-winded explanations, some stuff you just have to deal with alone, and the weekend may give you the time to do so. Your lucky religious ruin is Somogyvar Abbey.

AquariusAquarius January 20 – February 18

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Gene Hackman, an Aquarius too, might have got caught up in The Birdcage but it’ll be you that wants to fly the coop this week as those around you seem intent on making everything far more difficult and complex than it needs to be. Try to remain level headed however far off piste they decide to go, they’ll soon realize the error of their ways whether you mention them or not, so keeping your mouth shut and waiting them out could be the way to go. Your lucky footballer is Vangelis Koutsopoulos of Greece.

PiscesPisces February 19 – March 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Eva Longoria, a Pisces like yourself, might well have featured in TV cop show Brooklyn Nine-Nine but it’ll be you that has to lay down the law this week. Be firm but fair and don’t get all Captain Mainwaring about it, there’s no need to rub everyone up the wrong way to get your point across, and you’ll find people far more willing to accept your judgment than you’d expect. Your weekend will start late and finish early. Don’t say you weren’t warned. Your lucky car is KITT from Knight Rider.

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