Your Stars This Week: May 26, 2015

Posted: May 26, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so lets take a look what they have waiting for you over the next seven days.


Aries March 21 – April 19

That other Aries Eric Clapton might attracted Kim Jong-Un’s brother to his gigs but you’re unlikely to find yourself in such dire company this week. There will be a social occasion that weighs heavily upon you try not to look at it as if it were a duty, but a pleasure instead, and it might well turn out to be one. Try not to upset family members who are already going through some things with which you can’t assist, and remember your lucky Turkish village is Haticepinar.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Uptown Aces Casino
Uptown Aces Casino


Bet365 Sportsbook



Taurus April 20 – May 20

Your name isn’t Joanna Lumley, unlike the famous Taurus, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying to help those that have slipped down from the lofty heights and might need your assistance getting back up again. Remember what you give now you’ll get back later with interest so don’t let the short term issues blind you to the long term goals. Your weekend will be decidedly strange so expect the unexpected. Your lucky art installation is Corridart from the 1976 Summer Olympics.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Royal Panda Casino
Royal Panda Casino

Unibet Poker
Unibet Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

Mecca Bingo
Mecca Bingo


Gemini May 21 – June 20

You might feel a bit of an ugly duckling at the moment but you’ll never look as bad as that other Gemini Donald Trump so stay positive even when you’re having critical comment heaped upon you by people who should know better that to throw bricks in glass houses. Try not to retaliate as that will only exacerbate the situation and drag in more people to an argument that is probably best moved through than dwelt upon. Your lucky Saudi Arabian communication satellite is Arabsat-1B.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Play Hippo Casino
Play Hippo Casino



Bingo Hall
Bingo Hall


Cancer June 21 – July 22

Being a natural performer just like your fellow Cancer Missy Elliot, you’re used to being the centre of attention, and this week the way your luck is running all eyes will be on you. You’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling this week with the decisions you make all seeming to be tinted with gold so get on over to Bet365 and make sure you don’t waste this fated time of good fortune. Your lucky topographical and structural depression is the Portland Basin in the central Puget-Willamette Lowland.

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Jubise Casino
Jubise Casino

Poker Stars
Poker Stars

GT bets
GT bets

Unibet Bingo
Unibet Bingo


Leo July 23 – August 22

Ben Affleck, who was also born under the sign of Leo, might hit the headlines with his gambling but that doesn’t mean he’s not a winner and this week so are you. Your long term plans seem well on track and the stepping stones to get there seem clear, stable and within reach. Your friends will be able to help but not as much as your colleagues who may surprise you with their ability to render assistance. Your lucky location of higher education is the Magburaka Technical Institute in Sierra Leone.

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Netbet Casino
Netbet Casino

Poker Stars
Poker Stars

BetVictor Sportsbook
BetVictor Sportsbook

Cyber Bingo
Cyber Bingo


Virgo August 23 – September 22

Fellow Virgo Stella McCartney might be an award winning designer but you’re more than capable of putting on a show yourself and this week you’ll have to in order to deflect people’s attentions away from those that have yet to finish what they started. You might just be a diversion but without your help things could get sticky so be bold, bright, brash and keep them occupied until someone gives you the all clear. Your lucky sports stadium is Waikato Stadium in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Royal Vegas Casino
Raging BUll Casino

Bet365 Poker
Bet365 Poker

Unibet Sportsbook
Unibet Sportsbook

Bingo Sky
Bingo Sky


Libra September 23 – October 22

Comedian Jack Dee, who is also a Libra, is often known for his sour disposition and mean minded comments but you should leave those to the professional jokers this week and try to plaster a smile on your face whatever happens. Your family is likely to push all your buttons around midweek but if you want a nice weekend you better make sure you don’t react as they expect. Keep a cool head and a civil tongue. Your lucky operatic vocalist is Kalil Amar Wilson from Oakland, California.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Energy Casino
Energy Casino

Full Tilt Poker
Full Tilt Poker


bgo Bingo
bgo Bingo


Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Winona Ryder, another Scorpio, starred in The Experimenter but this is no week for you to start big new projects so relax, take it easy, and leave the great embarkation until after the next weekend. You’ve a great horoscope for betting this week and if you’ve a favorite team or competitor you should really back them at Bet365 because there’s every chance you’ll come out ahead. Avoid worrying, it’s not worth it this week at all. Your lucky civil parish is Thwing & Octon west of Bridlington in the UK.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Casino Cruise
Casino Cruise

Suited Ace Poker
Suited Ace Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

Bingo Hall
Bingo Hall


Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Sometimes even Bill Nye, who was also born Sagittarius, will admit there’s no scientific answer and you may never get to the bottom of the mystery as to why people behave as they do, but just because you can’t explain it doesn’t mean you won’t have to deal with it, so logically or lacking in it, take your friends, family and colleagues as you find them this week and surf over the top of any difficulties they seem to be purposely causing for you. It’s not their fault. Your lucky colour is mauve.

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Bovada Casino
Bovada Casino

Full Tilt Poker
Full Tilt 

Bovada Sportsbook
Bovada Sportsbook

Bet365 Bingo
Bet365 Bingo


Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Just like that other Capricorn, Nigella Lawson, you’ll find yourself with a whole bunch of ingredients this week and a menu you’ll have to get prepared. Take arrangements one step at a time and the expectations others have placed upon you won’t be in error, there’s no point complaining that you’ve better things to be doing, and don’t ask your colleagues for help because they’ve even less idea than you do of what needs to get done when. Your lucky abstract algebra is a simple ring.

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

ComeOn! Casino
ComeOn! Casino

Suited Ace Poker
Suited Ace Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

bgo Bingo
bgo Bingo


Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Chuck Yeager is like you, an Aquarius, but whilst he soared through the skies you have been grounded this week by circumstances beyond your control. Try to accept these temporary limitations with good grace and where possible take it in your stride. The stress of inaction will frustrate you but far less than making an attempt under these hampered conditions and failing, so bide your time and wait to recover from this week before you try anything next week. Your lucky number is 234 and three quarters.
Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Spin Palace Casino
Spin Palace Casino

Full Tilt Poker
BetVictor Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook



Pisces February 19 – March 20

Pisces Sharon Stone looked great in the movies but you’ll look even better as your success this week rubs off onto others. Being one of the most lucky zodiac signs this week you should really take a moment to look over some of the opportunities at Bet365 because you’ve the Midas touch and will more than likely come out ahead in any wager you make before next weekend. Midweek will find your surprised by something unsurprising you should have noticed before. Your lucky tax is income.

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Guts Casino
Guts Casino

Betway Poker
Betway Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

Winner Bingo
123 Bingo Online

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