Your Stars This Week: March 9, 2015

Posted: March 9, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so lets take a look what they have waiting for you over the next seven days


Aries March 21 – April 19

If like fellow Aries Reese Witherspoon you were expecting a lucky horoscope this week I’m sorry to disappoint you but there’s unlikely to be much luck to be had over the next seven days. Try to avoid over-reacting to disappointments, of which there will be a few, and think well of colleagues or friends who try to help but fail miserably in the attempt. Beware of left-handed drivers and people with a suggestion you’ve already refused. Your lucky Ska band is The Locos and your lucky number is 6. 

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Bet365 Casino

Poker Stars
Poker Stars

BetVictor Sportsbook
BetVictor Sportsbook

Cyber Bingo
Cyber Bingo


Taurus April 20 – May 20

Whether like that other Taurus Jack Nicholson you’ve become rich and successful or not this week will offer up some remarkable opportunities for you to feather your own nest and they are not to be squandered lightly. There will be some interesting challenges involved but none of the insurmountable so grab the chances with both hands and don’t let go till you’ve got what you deserve. Your lucky honey-based product from Sardinia in Italy is Abbamele, and your lucky Virginian town is Occoquan. 

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Bodog88 Casino

Carbon Poker
Carbon Poker

Betway Sports
Betway Sports

Bingo Hall
Bingo Hall


Gemini May 21 – June 20

Brooke Shields is also a Gemini and like her most famous movie role you could feel a bit shipwrecked this week as the pressures of everyday life seem to strand you. Luckily a close friend will make an off-hand suggestion that could turn the whole situation around and put things in perspective. The weekend will be best spent in planning not posing, and loved ones will have to understand the changes you want to make before they’ll agree to them. Your lucky movie is “The Sound of Music”.

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Bovada Casino
Bovada Casino

Full Tilt Poker
Full Tilt 

Unibet Sportsbook
Unibet Sportsbook

Mecca Bingo
Mecca Bingo


Cancer June 21 – July 22

You don’t have to have cruel intentions like Selma Blair, another Cancer, this week to accidentally cause far more problems than you would wish. Be careful what you do or say around midweek as what you sew now you will most definitely reap later, and people have longer memories than you think so beware setting yourself up for a fall with hastily made promises. Your lucky Dutch golden age painter born in Amsterdam in 1645 is Nicolaes de Vree and your lucky ant is Crematogaster Agnita. 

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Spin Palace Casino
Spin Palace Casino

Betway Poker
Betway Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

Winner Bingo
Winner Bingo


Leo July 23 – August 22

It might seem you’re living in a house of cards like Kevin Spacey, who is also a Leo, but the reality is far more secure and you don’t have to worry quite so much about what people think this week. This week the stars offer up the perfect horoscope for gambling at Bet365 or similar and you shouldn’t waste the luck, but do be careful of wagering on anything involving the color yellow or the number 11. Your lucky Jordanian town is Buqay’ al Qababi’ah and your lucky industrial automation protocol is Bristol Standard Asynchronous.

  Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Royal Vegas Casino
Royal Vegas Casino

Bet365 Poker
Bet365 Poker

Bovada Sportsbook
Bovada Sportsbook

Bingo Sky
Bingo Sky


Virgo August 23 – September 22

You might feel as put-upon as Jason Statham’s character in “The Transporter” this week as friends and colleagues have you bouncing from pillar to post on their behalf but don’t worry you’ll be rewarded by the time the weekend rolls around and be grateful for people’s appreciation. Attempt to avoid arguments with your family in midweek as people’s moods will soon mellow as the working week comes to an end. Your lucky ship is the SS Tubantia, and your lucky biplane the Wekspoor Jumbo. 

Your lucky online gambling sites this week:

Royal Panda Casino
Royal Panda Casino

Suited Ace Poker
Suited Ace Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

bgo Bingo
bgo Bingo


Libra September 23 – October 22

Clive Owen is also a Libra but even he couldn’t save you from yourself this week so just dive in as you chase your dreams and don’t fear the consequences as they’ll be no means as bad as others predict so direly. Your instincts are right on the money so take the opportunity to put a few quid on your favorite team at Come On! Sportsbook or the like and go with your gut not your head for the best chance of winning. Your lucky Andorran footballer is Marc Garcia Renom but avoid dogs in bow ties. 

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

iNetBet Casino
iNetBet Casino

Full Tilt Poker
Full Tilt Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

Unibet Bingo
Unibet Bingo


Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Whilst fellow Scorpio Hillary Clinton is yet to declare officially that she’s running for the White House in 2016 your position is already clear to anyone with the intelligence to notice so don’t waste too much of your time explaining things to people who haven’t taken the time to work it out for themselves. You’ll have a great week and a better weekend so make the most of it and don’t forget to be grateful for these well deserved moments of happiness. Your lucky live album is Duke Ellington At Fargo from 1940.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

ComeOn! Casino
ComeOn! Casino

Unibet Poker
Unibet Poker

Bet365 Sportsbook
Bet365 Sportsbook

Bet365 Bingo
Bet365 Bingo


Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

You might feel trapped in a technological nightmare like that other Sagittarius Jeff Bridges in the film “Tron” but the reality is far less gloomy so look on the bright side and spread some positivity around as you meander through this week. A sudden crisis around midweek will send people into a flap but if you stop, think and then act you’ll have it all solved before your weekend kicks in. Your lucky Pullitzer Prize winning play is Picnic by William Inge and your lucky number is 43.9421. 

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Play Hippo Casino
Play Hippo Casino


Bet365 Sportsbook



Capricorn December 22 – January 19

When that other Capricorn Ben Kingsley played Ghandi he had no idea how difficult self-restraint in the face of hostility can really be but this week you’re likely to find out as you become the center of attention. Try not to lash out and remain calm, the hostility of others is their own problem and it will quickly swing its searchlight of accusation onto someone else. You’ll have a blissful weekend and your lucky architectural style is that of the Nabataean building traditions and your lucky fish is cod.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Uptown Aces Casino
Uptown Aces Casino



bgo Bingo
bgo Bingo


Aquarius January 20 – February 18

This week sees yours as one of the most lucky zodiac signs and so you too can take center stage like that other Aquarius Chris Rock this week. As family and friends seem to miss the point you can be right on message and have all the answers at your fingertips without any apparent effort so just relax. Should you fancy putting a wager on at Bet365 or the like you’ll find the color blue is likely to reward but anything with stripes will be bad news. Your lucky motorway is the Westlink M7 in Sydney, Australia. 

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Energy Casino
Energy Casino

Full Tilt Poker
Full Tilt Poker


Bingo Hall
Bingo Hall


Pisces February 19 – March 20

Fellow Pisces Rihanna might be able to wear a mask in public but you can’t so don’t try to hide away over the next seven days, just be bold and believe in who you are. Those around you might raise their eyebrows but you have to be true to yourself whatever their objections of opinion, there’s no excuse for backing down when you’re not in error so don’t do it just to gain a quiet life as it is only saving up issues for another day. Your lucky collection of nuns is in the Penha Convent in Brazil and your lucky Hindu temple is Chandika Sthan in Munger.

Your Lucky online gambling sites this week:

Guts Casino
Guts Casino

Carbon Poker



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