Your Stars This Week: July 6, 2015

Posted: July 6, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so lets take a look what they have waiting for you over the next seven days

Aries  Aries March 21 – April 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Colin Powell, another Aries, might have presented rather dubious evidence to support going to war but you’ve all the ammunition you need to open hostilities. Regardless of setting this week your default setting is going to be brusque at best so be sure to steer clear of those you’d prefer not to upset. When the calm returns just before the weekend you should be able to make sensible plans, but any plans made prior to that are just a disaster in waiting. Your lucky Brazilian municipality is Natuba in Paraiba.

Taurus  Taurus April 20 – May 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Tina Fey, also born a Taurus, might have presented the Emmys but that’s nothing to how on show you feel this week. Whether you wished it or not you’re the center of someone’s attention and it will get a lot more uncomfortable before it gets better. You’ll find a supportive family member understands the situation entirely, until it becomes painfully clear they don’t, try not to let this get on your nerves, they mean well. Your lucky ancient Chinese sailing vessel is the traditional Junk of the Song Dynasty.

Gemini  Gemini May 21 – June 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Bob Dylan, who is also a Gemini, might well be like a rolling stone but this week you’re going to have to be solid as a rock for those around you who are being storm-tossed by life’s little upsets. Try to be the shoulder they need to cry on but don’t tolerate too much wallowing and give the advice you know they need to hear rather than that they’d like to have as an excuse to just feel sorry for themselves. Your lucky public holiday in the country of Benin is Tabaski. Eid ul-Adha, or Feast of Sacrifice.

Cancer  Cancer June 21 – July 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Liv Tyler, who is a Cancer, might have been born into showbiz but she has nothing on you when you need to take to the stage. Whether its just putting on a brave face or introducing a whole new direction you’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs this week so don’t be afraid of the spotlight’s glare, you may even feel apt to hit up Bet365 and put your luck to use by betting on some of your favorites, and remember your lucky Franco-Belgian comic series is “Les Aventures de Dan Cooper”.

Leo Leo July 23 – August 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Fellow Leo, Ben Affleck, might have let his habits get out of control and lose him Jennifer Garner, but you’re at no risk of much loss this week so don’t back down when challenged. There will be a territorial dispute that you’ll need to sort out but with no stake in it yourself you should be able to mediate peace between the warring factions, just don’t expect any gratitude. Your weekend looks set to be lazy, try and keep it that way. Your lucky superjovian planet is HD 70573 b almost 149 light years away.

Virgo  Virgo August 23 – September 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Stella McCartney, who was also born under the sign of Virgo, might have designed some wonderful outfits but you’ll be the one needing to stitch it all together this week and keep it in place whilst others try it all out for size. They’ll be very grateful for your assistance so don’t skimp on being behind the scenes and getting what needs doing done. Thursday will be fraught but if you don’t freak out and run your mouth you’ll be fine. Your lucky ground beetle discovered in 1846 is Orthogonius opacus.

Libra Libra September 23 – October 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

That other famous Libra, Cliff Richard, might have been wired for sound but you’ll wish that you could unplug some of the things you’ll have to hear this week. No one likes bad news or critical comment but you’ll have to put up with your fair share in the coming days. The fact that much of it will be justified only making it all the more irritating. Try to make it through till Friday when someone will surprise you very pleasantly. Your lucky place of military exhibit is the Elmina Java Museum in Ghana.

Scorpio  Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Tara Reid, a fellow Scorpio, might well have fought off the toothy fiends in Sharknado but this week it’ll be you with all the skills whatever the situation, so don’t worry about a thing, just rise to the challenge and be confident you’ll manage it. This good fortune won’t be limited to just work however and since you have the perfect horoscope for gambling you should perhaps check out Bet365‘s range of opportunities. Your lucky utility company is Oklahoma Gas & Electric in the United States.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Bill Nye, a science sort of Sagittarian, might well have helped rejuvenate interest in science within the media but you’re going to have to perform a miracle even bigger than that one if you want to get things back on track this week. It may be an uphill struggle but it’ll be well worth the sacrifices you’ll clearly have to make along the way. Try to do so with good grace, or barring that, in silence. There will be fun to be had on the weekend, but only briefly. Your lucky WWII destroyer is USS Welles.

Capricorn  Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Pat Benatar, also a Capricorn, might well have thought that love is a battlefield but she forgot to mention it is also a minefield as well. Pick your way carefully through this next week and don’t think even minor coincidences are of no significance, they are almost certainly very important, so keep your wits about you. Don’t make plans after work until Friday and even then don’t make arrangements to go far, or the weekend will be ruined. Your lucky computer is the Cydra-5 made by Cydrome.

Aquarius  Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Elijah Wood, who is also an Aquarius, may well have marched off to quest in Mordor but you’ve far more family paths to tread and re-tread this week and you’re sent from pillar to post by those unaware they’re doing it. Try not to snap at them and remember, what you do for them this week they’re more than likely to do for you next week, so mind your manners. Your weekend will be fun filled and silly, so enjoy it. Your lucky mushroom is the Tectella Paterllaris commonly known as the Veiled Panus.

Pisces  Pisces February 19 – March 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Glenn Close, another Pisces, might have had some dangerous liasons but you’re not a Marquise so you’ve little to worry about as your liasons are set to be fruitful, productive and surprisingly free of boredom. With such good fortune it will come as no surprise that you have a superb horoscope for betting this week and that a few wagers at Bet365 might well be in order. Remember you have to speculate to accumulate. Your lucky Quaker sect is the one formed by David Willson in 1812.

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