You Can Bet On The Polish Presidential Election Being Tight

Posted: July 8, 2020

Updated: July 8, 2020

  • Mayor Trzaskowski Challenges Current President Duda
  • Bet On The Polish Presidential Election At Bet365 Now
  • Conservative President Challenged By The Progressives
Andrzej Duda – Image source: Radosław Czarnecki / CC BY-SA via Wikimedia Commons

Andrzej Duda faces a sterner challenge than he thought. Rafal Trzaskowski, forward-thinking mayor of Warsaw, got 30.5% of the vote. This puts him into the run-off election this Sunday and polls are already saying it’s too close to call. This presents then an opportunity for those who usually place the odd bet on sports in Poland. Sites like Bet365 are offering decent prices on both candidates. So let’s take a look at why you should bet on the Polish presidential election.

It hasn’t been the most civil of affairs. The campaign has been, to put it lightly, hard-fought. That Trzaskowski would reach this run-off stage was never certain. The erosion of the democratic framework in Poland over recent years put it in doubt. Now Poland faces a choice. It’s either the young progressive Mayor of Warsaw or the incumbent, very conservative, President. That’s why you can bet on the Polish presidential election being very closely scrutinized indeed.

This will be true both inside Poland and beyond. There are numerous nations where conservative populists reign at present. Progressive challengers around the world will want to see how Trzaskowski does against Duda. Can liberalism really take on the propaganda of state-run media and triumph in a conservatively slanted system? A bet on the Polish presidential election is an act of faith either way. Online betting sites in Poland, like Bet365, will take your wager regardless of your politics. 

Will Poland’s Population Pick Politically Progressive Path?

This is just as well since the choice of direction for Poland’s future has never been so stark. The choice between a liberal progressive society and a closed conservative one seems simple enough. However, the media shape perceptions inside Poland, and much of that is under state (Duda’s) control. So, remember, any bet on the Polish presidential election will be at the mercy of regionalism. The difference between the urban and rural areas, as in other nations, is quite pronounced. 

Polish Presidential Election

  • Bet On Andrzej Duda – 1/2
  • Bet On Rafal Trzaskowski – 3/2

So before you rush off to online sportsbook sites in Poland to bet on the Polish Presidential election consider the implications. In rural areas, where they believe the internet is a medium-sized piece of fishing equipment, Duda rides high. This ‘just happens’ to coincide with areas where people mostly get their news from the state media. What a surprise. Meanwhile in urban areas, where people tend to be better informed and more sophisticated Trzaskowski is leading the way. 

Bet On The Polish Presidential Election
Rafal Trzaskowski – Image source: Flickr

Bet On The Polish Presidential Election At Bet365

This replicates similar splits in other nations, most notably the USA. What happens in Poland then could well have important lessons for other progressives, or indeed other conservatives. Can anyone challenge populism at the ballot box or has Poland gone beyond the tipping point? Could the progressives really stop Poland’s inexorable slide into authoritarianism? Will this be the last time anyone can bet on a Polish presidential election? Duda’s re-election may mean it unlikely.

First Round Election Results

  • Others – 0.79%
  • Robert Biedron – 2.22%
  • Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz – 2.36%
  • Krzysztof Bosak – 6.78%
  • Syzymon Holownia – 13.87%
  • Rafal Trzaskowski – 30.46%
  • Andrzej Duda – 43.50%

Currently, those who fancy chancing Polish gambling laws will find the bookies like Bet365 are hedging their bets slightly. They have Trzaskowski slipping a little down to 3/2 whilst Duda is shortening to 1/2. This is to be expected. However, Trzaskowski has always won against the odds, so he may still be the better bet on the Polish presidential election. Certainly the pollsters can’t call it yet, so the bookies are on thin ice here. A situation you should definitely take advantage of.

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We take a look at why a bet on the Polish presidential election is a wager on the very future of the nation.

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