World Superbikes 2018 Odds Confirm Jonathan Rea Outright Winning

Posted: July 19, 2018

Updated: July 19, 2018

As the races near an ending, the World Superbikes 2018 odds leave no room for doubt that Jonathan Rea would become the outright winner. Is there any scenario stopping him from achieving the victory?

The Superbike World Championship or World Superbikes 2018 for short will come to an end on October 27, finishing up Round 13. With only 4 rounds left in the championship, the next event will be held in Portugal on September 14, according to online sportsbook news in UK. At the moment, how is the margin of Jonathan Rea’s World Superbikes 2018 odds and the other drivers?

2018 is Jonathan Rea’s Best Year Yet

The best online betting sites in the United Kingdom estimate 1/500 odds for Jonathan Rea to win the 2018 Superbike World Championship. His World Superbikes 2018 odds are virtually unbeatable. It seems like nobody could beat him. Becoming this year’s World Superbike Champion would account to Rea’s 4th consecutive victory.

So far, Rea is leading the championship with over 90 points more than the second-ranked: Chaz Davies. The Northern Irish driver has won 10 out of 18 races making him way ahead of the others. 2018 is also the year that Rea broke the world record by winning 60 races under 30 years old!

Scenarios of Things Going Wrong

The rest of the competitors would stand a chance against Jonathan Rea if these extreme scenarios occurred. As a first example, accidents and injuries could force Rea to finish early. He would only peak at 370 points, while the others could gain as much as 200 points to surpass him.

Another scenario is Rea getting disqualified from the championship. In the past, having oversized engines and failing the Technical Inspection are reasons for disqualification. It’s quite unlikely in Rea’s case but nevertheless, possible.

If you are online gambling in UK, you would need a person to bet on in case Jonathan Rea is out of the picture. Of course, the World Superbikes 2018 odds support Chaz Davies (40/1) because he has a narrower point gap to close than the others.

On the other hand, Michael van der Mark (300/1) is also someone to look out for. Although he is over 150 points behind Rea, van der Mark came closest to beating him in the last Italian race. He only missed the first place by 0.334 seconds.

Bet on the World Superbikes 2018 Outright Winner

Jonathan Rea (1/500) is the ultimate bookies’ favourite to win World Superbikes 2018. No one can argue about that. However, if you think the worst-case scenarios for Rea might unfold, you should bet on Chaz Davies (40/1) and Michael van der Mark (300/1) at Bet365 Sportsbook instead!

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