Victoria Bans Gambling Ads on All Public Transport
Posted: August 22, 2016
Updated: October 6, 2017

Victoria’s state government has decided to ban all gambling ads on public transportation, and areas frequented by children.
The massive increase of gambling ads in Victoria over the past decade could soon be coming to an end, as the state government has officially decided to ban gambling ads on all forms of public transportation including trains, trams, and buses.
This move comes in a response to growing concern over the negative effects gambling can have on youth. Victoria’s new plan will also ban online sportsbooks Australia from placing gambling ads near schools. This comes after a recent study from Deakin University revealed 75% of youth under 16 felt gambling was “normal or common part of sport.”
The new Minister for Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Marlene Kairouz, gave her take on why the new plan to ban gambling ads in Victoria was passed in a consultation paper by stating, “The Victorian government is concerned about the normalization of gambling on sport through the proliferation of gambling advertising. It is particularly concerned about its impact on children, adolescents and other people vulnerable to gambling-related harm.”
There are now calls for total ban of TV gambling ads
Victoria’s Liberal Party leader Matthew Guy feels that the government should push even harder against gambling, and has publicly called for the state to outright ban all forms of television gambling ads. Sports gambling costs the people of Victoria $1.5 to $2.8 billion annually, and seems to grow each year.
The government claims to have given over $150 million to Victoria’s Responsible Gambling Foundation, but has failed to see any major impact. “This Government has ripped out millions from anti-gambling measures in its first few months and has not replaced a cent of it,” Guy said.
What do you think? Is Victoria’s ban of gambling ads on public transport good for the community? How will this affect the gambling industry in Australia? Leave your comments below, and make sure to check out GamingZion’s Australian gambling news page to stay up to date on everything related to gambling in the land down under!