Trump Had Hair Surgery


Posted: January 14, 2020

Updated: January 14, 2020

  • Donald Trump possibly had a scalp reducing surgery
  • Will Trump dye his hair for the elections?

Did you ever think that you could make money with the American president’s hair? You don’t even have to scalp the guy to make it. What are the chances that President Donald Trump had some kind of hair surgery and how much money can you make with it. Better yet you can even bet if Trump would go under a hand improving surgery. To improve the dimensions of his hands. So he can grab things that are further from him. Like truth maybe.

There are many crazy things you can make a bet through online sportsbooks in the UK when it comes to Trump. Let’s examine these cheering possibilities.

A scalp reduction

While Trump is quite old, he is not old enough to being scalped by a Native American. It is most possible that he was going under the process of scalp reduction on his own. Either you are a conservative guy or someone who is sailing on liberal waters, you can agree about one thing for sure. The hair of Trump is odd and unnatural. This is a rumor that is going around for a long time. It was becoming popular by Michael Wolff, who was saying that Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump is his source. Nowadays scalp reduction is only used for medical treatment in extreme cases such as heavy burnings. However, in the 1980s it was quite a fashion.

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Image by Roy Blumenthal

We already know from historians that until the development of dental works most of the people were possibly in constant pain through their life. Like Napoleon, he had some very serious constant pain from his tooth. Scalp reduction is a simple quite barbaric method. Bald areas of the skin are removed from the head. Areas with hair on them are stretched to cover the scalped area. With this method, the skin on the head is under a constant stretching force and apparently it is quite painful.

As The Guardian highlights it from one of Trump’s speeches, that he desperately tries to hide that bald spot.

According to professionals who are working in hair business it is quite possible that Trump has some kind of hair surgery, however, the question remains, is he going to admit it? While we can’t be sure, if Trump had a hair surgery, what we know as a fact, is that he is taking a prescription drug called finasteride. Finasteride is very effective in preventing going bold.

Trump to dye his hair red, white and blue.

The odds are quite high here, however, it would be a great move from Trump to dye his hair for the 2020 presidential elections to the nation’s tricolor. Red, white and blue is truly speaking the fundamentals of the United States. Let’s just take a look at the history of the flag. In 1777 a new nation was born thus, they needed a flag. The red and white stripes are representing the colonies. The stars are representing the states of the union. The colors also have symbolic meaning,  white stands for purity and innocence, blue symbolizes vigilance, justice, and perseverance, while red stands for hardiness and valor.

Since the outlook is very important during electioneering, what could be a better representation of Trump’s policy and believes than dyeing his hair into the colors of his nation that he wants to make great again?

To have a surgical hand enhancing

Well, this sounds a bit crazier than that Trump had a hair surgery, however, it still has better odds than the Holland national Waterpolo team to win the European championship. What could Trump possibly achieve with enhanced hands? He could grab a huge cup of coffee which has the sign: Make America Great Again. He could not tweet with his big fingers which would be beneficial for the Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Could make great pictures with thumbs up. He could be no longer be a potential target of provocation about his small hands.

Which comes back to an old strange bet about Trump.  Tune in to online sportsbook news in the UK and get ready for the American presidential elections with making some bets. If you are dear to. Oh, my dear god, four years have passed and here we are again. At the downfall of mankind. Kim, push that button, please.



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