This Week in Pictures: August 21-27, 2017

Posted: August 28, 2017

Updated: October 4, 2017

With no shortage of big news stories breaking around the world over the course of the last week you may have missed something important so here’s a quick recap of what went on.

In the US a Total Eclipse of the sun rolled across the center of the country attracting millions to watch this astronomical event giving the travel and tourism industry a much needed boost. Some forty million tuned in to watch the event on television, with even more viewing it on the internet. The next visible eclipse in the United States won’t be until 2024. Widespread warnings were given for people viewing the eclipse not to look directly into the sun, something the President Donald Trump then did instantly.

In the US Hurricane Harvey brought catastrophic weather conditions to Texas last week with major damage along the gulf coast line and heavy flooding further inland as it downgraded to a tropical storm a meandered slowly across the state. With some places reporting fifty inches of rain, massive flooding over a huge area left rescue services stretched to breaking point with at least two confirmed deaths and the major metropolitan area of Houston facing a clean up operation on par with that after Katrina.

In the US the President Donald Trump did all he could to distance himself from the racist alt-right demonstrators responsible for the death of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville by issuing a pardon for Joe Arpaio the exceedingly right-wing Sheriff from Arizona convicted of breaking laws on racial profiling and illegally detaining Latinos in Maricopa a town he ran as his own personal fiefdom for two dozen years. Donald Trump pardoning him is yet further evidence of the racist leanings of this White House.

In sports Floyd Mayweather stepped into the ring for the very last time to pick up at least $100m for a special bout against MMA champion Conor McGregor. Whilst the fight was expected to be over quick Mayweather won his final fight in the tenth round on a technical knock-out, the question is can another few hundred million tempt him back again? You’ll have to read our daily news pages to find out, but first lets take a quick look at some of the big stories we covered over the last seven days.

1. Bet365 released the odds for the Ashes and we explored Australia’s chances to win

Ashes 2017

2. Belgian football star Radja Nainggolan was left out of the latest Belgium squad which is preparing against Gibraltar and Greece

Big Players Missing World Cup

3. Does Kim Kardashian has any chance to become the president of the US? The asnwer might surprise you

KKW 2020

4. Bookies seem to believe that it’s going to be a one horse race this year at the Chantilly

Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe

5. We shared the best odds for Strictly Come Dancing 2017!

Strictly Odds

As Emmanuel Macron facing a slump in popularity in France the press decided to focus on the important issues concerning his presidency and reported that since May he had spent some twenty five thousand Euros on make up. This then forced the President’s staff to admit that whilst the bill was high a specialist had needed to be called in as a matter of urgency. Naturally the President they have nicknamed “Jupiter” has not himself commented on this latest scandal, but he looked good doing it.

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