The Gambler’s Ruin Explained – The Mathematical Problem


Posted: September 25, 2022

Updated: September 25, 2022

  • This one is for the math lovers
  • Not everything that looks fair is fair
  • The Gambler’s Ruin Explained

The Gambler’s Ruin Problem is a famous topic for first-year university students. Because the concept is easy to understand and explain. However, understanding the problem will increase a person’s perception of probability. If you already know about this problem, then you understand why. However, if you have never heard about it. Then we are going to have the Gambler’s Ruin Explained. Keep in mind that this is going to be extremely helpful while playing at online casino sites in China.

Scholarly studies have used the Markov Chain to test this probability problem. However, even those studying the data set couldn’t find a way to disprove the Gambler’s Ruin. This is why every gambler needs to understand. Because it will help you understand the core problem for success.

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The Gambler’s Ruin Explained

Now that we decided to have the gambler’s ruin explained, first, let us state the problem. Therefore, you don’t have to look at us showing you complex equations for now. The Gambler’s Ruin states the following sentence:

  • “A gambler with finite wealth, playing a fair game will eventually go broke against an opponent with infinite wealth.”

What does that exactly mean for us? The game rules and Methodism is 100% fair, and there is no house edge involved with this one. Then why would the gambler have a disadvantage compared to the casino? Because the casino starts from a higher amount of wealth. Therefore, in this specific mathematical equation. The problem states that the gambler and the casino keep playing until a goal is reached. The rules are the following:

  • A gambler wants to double the money
  • The gambler loses all at 0 and stops at double
  • The game ends when someone wins

The Mathematical Equation

According to Jstor (J. L. Coolidge’s Article based on “Annals of Mathematics” ), the easiest way to have the Gambler’s Ruin explained is by explaining the specialty of this problem. Because the key statement is that the gambler is not going to stop gambling until they double their money.

The Gambler’s Ruin Explained
Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons

Therefore, when a gambler enters a casino with the same intentions. They believe that the game is completely fair because, with each attempt, there is “yes” or “no” for both sides. Even if we ignore the house edge for now. However, the problem lies behind the fact that the casino has endless attempts of winning.

The best explanation for this is the following:

  • Rule: Double Money = Win, Reaching 0 = Lose
  • Toss coin fairly each turn (50-50%) – $1 Bet / turn
  • The player starts with $100
  • Casino starts at $1000
  • The casino has 99% to win. The Player has 1% to win
  • (36: 37) *1000 = 1/792870000000

The Gambler’s Ruin Explained Simply

If you are still confused about this calculation. Let us have the gambler’s ruin explained with the simplest words. People always believe that the casino wants to cheat against them. However, this is far from the truth. Because the House Always wins. Therefore, even if you win a round, it is still calculated. The casino makes a profit by making players continue playing. Because if they keep on playing, then thanks to the wealth differences they will eventually win guaranteed. 

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Furthermore, every time you play a game of fair chance against someone. The previous round will decrease your odds. Because the wealth of the opponent must be perfectly equal to you for the probability to work. This is why you should always stay competitive. According to Utah State University, the quantity is irrelevant. Hence why we can replace it with “n” or “i” in the calculation.

Using The Markov Chain

According to Columbia University, the Markov Chain is the perfect tool to have the gambler’s ruin explained. Because the conclusion about the whole mathematical problem is the fact that someone needs to earn more than what they lose within the same time frame. Otherwise, they are guaranteed to hit rock bottom. This equation is not only used for the gambler. Because you can calculate business failure or success with this problem too.

The Gambler’s Ruin Explained
Picture Source: Pixabay

For example, if you pay $2 every week, but you only earn $1 every week. Even if you start with $50. In 50 weeks you are going to reach $0, and on the 52nd attempt, you will stay on -1. Combining this knowledge with legal card counting strategies will increase your odds of winning more or losing less.

What Is The House Edge? 

When we speak about casinos or The math of poker, then the Gambler’s Run, the Gambler’s Fallacy, and the definition of House Edge must be brought up. Because there is not a single mathematical seminary without the famous sentence: The House always wins.

Therefore, there is a solid reason behind this saying. Yes, the house can always lose against you, because the games are not rigged. However, once you reach a certain attempt, the house edge will guarantee profit for the casino. This is what we call the House Edge, and this is what you wish to avoid reaching. Furthermore, avoiding the house edge has the gambler’s ruin problem perfectly explained. 

How To Avoid The Gambler’s Ruin – Explained

To conclude our topic had the gambler’s ruin explained. Let us tell you how to avoid losing due to these probability odds. Because there are hundreds of fair and welcoming online casinos you can play at. Just register at 888Casino and you will play with the highest amount of integrity at each table and game. There is only one thing to avoid at all costs:

Never continue playing after you win. Because the more you play, the fewer odds you will have. Therefore, once you have a successful attempt, know to quit. This is how you can master the ways of avoiding The Gambler’s Fallacy.

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