The 2020 Time Person Of The Year Odds Should Worry Us All

Posted: July 24, 2020

Updated: July 24, 2020

  • Bookies Novelty Betting Odds Offer Up Fatalistic Future  
  • Find The 2020 Time Person Of The Year Odds At Bovada
  • What Would Lady Gaga Have To Do To Win This One?
Image source: Time Inc via Wikimedia Commons

Novelty betting odds are always amusing. When feeling blue a quick flutter on something rather fabulously frivolous can be a great pick-me-up. You can bet on reality TV show winners, find all the latest royal family odds, and even bet on sports in the US you’d not normally touch. So, you’re not short of options. However, few of these books at Bovada, etc are as sobering as the 2020 Time Person Of The Year odds. They paint a bleak picture of who, and what is most salient in our world today. 

Sometimes you get the feeling the bookies might be trolling us all. I’m not entirely sure what Lady Gaga would now need to do to be Time Person Of The Year. Prove alien life exists? Admit she’s an alien herself? Marry the pope? So in offering her up on the list of 2020 Time Person Of The Year odds they must just be joking right? Like offering 80/1 on Hillary Clinton. She’s not even person of the year in her own household let alone for Time Magazine. So, they’re just winding us up, right?

The Pope, who would probably turn down any proposal, himself gets 80/1 too. Briefly imagine a world in which he could rise to such prominence so quickly. What’s he going to do? Have Jesus over to supper? Xi Jinping gets 66/1 alongside Mike Pence in the 2020 Time Person Of The Year odds. So which do you think most likely? The latter renouncing god or the former relinquishing Tibet? Anything less probably isn’t going to make them work backing at online betting sites in the US like Bovada.

Does Greta Thunberg Have To Save The World To Win?

Boris Johnson gets 25/1 and has nuclear weapons. Scared yet? He’s a British Prime Minister, what on earth do the bookies think might happen? He’ll stumble across the Holy Grail whilst out walking his girlfriend? Greta Thunberg suspiciously gets the same odds. Perhaps the bookies intend this as some sort of bizarre deathmatch. Killing a British Prime Minister would probably slash her 2020 Time Person Of The Year odds significantly. So, it’s that or saves the world, Greta.

2020 Time Person Of The Year Odds

  • Greta Thunberg – 25/1
  • Donald Trump – 20/1
  • Joe Biden – 16/1
  • CDC – 14/1
  • Teachers – 12/1
  • W.H.O. – 10/1
  • Anthony Fauci – 8/1
  • Jacinda Ardern – 6/1
  • Black Lives Matter – 3/1
  • Medical Staff – 4/6

The US President gets 20/1. You can bet on Donald Trump being upset by that. He likes winning things like this. But this won’t be his year. He gets the same odds as Epidemiologists, and most people don’t even know what they do. So, perhaps online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada hope they’ll skin him. Something Joe Biden might consider if he wants to beat the 16/1 Time Person Of The Year odds he’s garnering. Unfortunately, after the option to bet on celebrities comes the more grim possibilities.

2020 Time Person Of The Year Odds
Greta Thunberg – Image source: Flickr

Get Your 2020 Time Person Of The Year Odds At Bovada

So, the CDC gets 14/1, Teachers 12/1, and the World Health Organization 10/1.  Jacinda Ardern is our ray of hope at 6/1. She’s a positive beacon in an otherwise quite gloom-laden globe. Her competent empathetic leadership would normally make her a shoo-in. But these are not normal times. That’s why Black Lives Matter gets 3/1 in the 2020 Time Person Of The Year odds. It’s a different world now. Anyone in the US gambling laws can stay as they are is mad. This isn’t a pretty picture. Likewise, Medical workers and emergency responders being favorite at 4/6 shouldn’t surprise anyone given the crisis. It should just worry the hell out of absolutely everyone. 

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We take a look at the 2020 Time Person Of The Year odds and note just how alarming they make our world today seem.

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