How to Spend Lottery Jackpot – Hungarian Person Won the Euro Jackpot


Posted: December 9, 2019

Updated: December 9, 2019

  • Biggest win in Hungarian lottery history
  • How would you spend the lottery jackpot

On November 22, 2019, a Hungarian person won the EuroJackpot making the biggest win of Hungarian lottery history. We were meditating on how the lucky guy can spend his fortune. Here are some clever ways on how to spend lottery jackpot.

As online gambling news reported someone made Hungarian lottery history’s biggest winning by taking home 30 million euros on Euro Jackpot. The lucky one was fixing five plus two numbers for the money.

How to spend lottery jackpot – Some time-consuming ways

Obviously, you can buy 30 million things in a one-euro shop. So you can have cleaning supplies, domestic chemicals, milk and other stuff for a lifetime. Or many lifetimes. So let’s say you have a lot of dirty clothes so you buy a bag of washing powder every day. This way your euro jackpot would last for 82191 years, not counting leap years.

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You will possibly run out of this later than humanity runs out of drinking water.

The one who wins euro jackpot surely going to develop some love for the game. They can find many online lottery sites in the UK. A casual 3-way lottery ticket costs about 18 USD. Meaning, that they can play their loved ones’ birth-dates for 1832620 times.

How to spend lottery jackpot – The easier way

You can hit up some online casinos in the UK and hit the tables. For example on 1xbet.coms  Booming Delux slot game, you can spin with the basic settings you can spin 166666666 times – if you are not winning either once during the whole process. Or you can even bet on sports, like football. But if you really like football why wouldn’t you buy your favorite player? 

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This guy on your team? Why not? Steindy (talk) 10:35, 27 June 2011 (UTC) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Let’s say your favorite is Bayern Munich. You can buy Manuel Neuer goalkeeper to be in your own team. Later you can fill your team with your friends and start to compete seriously. After buying Neuer you would still have enough money to buy washing powder every day for 32876 years.

How to spend lottery jackpot in Hungary

From now on I will be more serious. While the Jackpot is in euros, the winner is a Hungarian. So let’s examine this lucky guy’s possibilities supposing that he wants to spend his money in Hungary. 30 million euro is exactly 10 040 059 038 Hungarian forint. (at the current exchange rate on Nov 22.)

If you ever been to Budapest you know that you can buy a slice of pizza in almost every subway for 250HUF.  Assuming that this guy likes pizza, he has the ability to buy 40160236 slices. If the lucky one is a “pizzatarian” and eats ten slices every day he’ll have enough pizza for 11002 years. Some important events that happened 11000 years ago: The end of the last ice-age, the first stone constructions around Jericho, the blooming of Magdalenian culture in France.

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A fine art piece from the Magdalenian culture. Klaus D. Peter, Wiehl, GermanyDerivative work: Sémhur (talk)Sémhur [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

How to spend lottery jackpot the clever way

While it’s good to have almost unlimited washing powder or pizza or even your own football team, it might worth to think about investments. One of the best things to invest in is property. A casual flat in Budapest costs about 30-50 million forints. Let’s say you go for the bigger ones. You can buy 200 properties from this much money at Budapest and still have enough money to eat 10 slices of pizza every day for 43 years.

What are the odds of winning the euro jackpot

According to Wikipedia the odds of winning the euro jackpot are 1 to 59325280. This means that you can’t buy enough tickets from the jackpot to win the jackpot for sure again. However, it was a good idea. According to data available, the population of Italy in 2019 is approximately 60,550,075. If everybody in Italy would buy a euro jackpot and they could organize that they don’t play the same 7 numbers, one people of the Italian nation would win the euro jackpot.



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