Seven Tips On How To Be A Lumberjack World Champion
Posted: October 24, 2019
Updated: October 24, 2019
That’s right, we’ve just got seven pieces of essential information if you want to learn how to be a lumberjack world champion.

Image source: Wknight94 [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Monty Python made it clear that being a lumberjack was ‘okay’ and with the need for a roaring fire to keep you warm through winter there’s never been a better time to learn how to be a lumberjack world champion. With an impressive collection of events it’s only a matter of time before you can bet on the lumberjack world championships at Bovada, one of the best online sportsbook sites in the US, so here’s seven tips to help you master the required set of skills.
Fitness & OJT
The first obvious step in exploring how to be a lumberjack world champion is not, as you might think simply picking up an axe and starting to swing it. You are going to need to be at the very peak of physical condition to compete, so start hitting that gym hard each and every day, and do be aware there’s no real way to learn the basic skills than the tried and tested method of On-The-Job-Training. So whilst you can be self-taught time with the professionals is probably in order.
Aspen Logs – Standing Up, Laying Down
The two most basic competitions you’ll need to get to grips with when learning how to be a lumberjack world champion are the Underhand and Standing block chops. With a 12 inch Aspen log, either laying horizontally or standing upright, to be cut through as fast as possible. This requires massively fast reacting upper body strength, and those inclined to bet on sports in the US slightly away from the mainstream will already know the world record is just 12.33 seconds.
Axing For Trouble

What The Chain Saw

Climb Every Tree

Logrolling & Boom Running
Whilst logrolling is well known – two men stand either end of a log in the water and then attempt to rotate or stop it so as to unbalance their opponent – boom running is slightly less well known and perhaps the more tricky of the two. Those exploring how to be a lumberjack world champion will have to run along a boom of floating logs against an opponent, and this is remarkably luck dependent (where as logrolling has much skill to it) and spotting the right footing is imperative.
For Safety’s Sake
One of the issues with the expansion of the sport, and indeed the reason many sites like Bovada, one of the best online betting sites in the US, are reticent about offering lumberjack betting odds is that chain saws, axes and spiked boots are inherently dangerous objects that, if handled poorly, can seriously damage your health. It is vital, therefore, that when learning how to be a lumberjack world champion the first thing you do is get the very best health insurance coverage you can find.