Sepp Blatter Gets Revenge Against UEFA
Posted: June 18, 2016
Updated: October 6, 2017

The former FIFA president Sepp Blatter gets revenge on UEFA as he claims they are cheaters.
Online sportsbooks must have a lot to say about the latest news about how Sepp Blatter gets revenge on UEFA. The resigned FIFA ruler has been forced to resign not so long ago after having been accused of corruption.
”I’m innocent, but I know how to cheat”
Sepp Blatter’s statements are pure genius. Blatter claims that he knows the perfect technique how to cheat on drawings. But of course he and his people never did that, he just happen to know how it works. And after all, FIFA is not to blame but cheater UEFA is as they were all about the cheating part. FIFA Scandals are just false, says the trustworthy politician.
”Freeze the balls and find the coldest”
Blatter’s technique to cheat is pretty simple but sounds like the perfect solution: you just put some of the balls in the freezer, and some, you don’t. Then you will know which team has the cold ball and which team has the hot ones, and hence you know whom to assign against whom. Blatter, of course, have not done such thing, as he is a respectable and honest man, unlike his fellow mates at UEFA, who are all corrupt bastards. Unlike Mr Sepp Blatter!
Blatter even named the only person with enough power to do such things. The Swiss man blames it all on Artemio Franchi, who, according to Mr Blatter, has cheated on several draws for club tournaments. To these accusations, UEFA’s reaction was that these statements are absurd and hence do not deserve any kind of reaction.
Those who want to bet on sports in the near future must pay attention to news about the former FIFA president and about how Sepp Blatter gets revenge against UEFA. Sport betting should be done among clear and fair circumstances. However, that’s completely impossible unless we have clear and fair people in charge of these organizations revising clear and fair surroundings of this beautiful game. Maybe one day it is going to happen. Until then, let’s hail Sepp Blatter and the likes.