Police Blame Columbian Casino Bombing on Competition or Vendetta


Posted: September 16, 2011

Updated: October 4, 2017

Columbian police blame the bombing of a Columbian casino in Quibdó on pranksters, vendetta or competitors.

The Columbian city of Quibdó, the capital of the Colombian province of Chocó is a sleepy town about 600 km northwest of Bogota. According to online gambling news in Columbia, it was earlier the site of an explosion at a newly opened casino which injured four patrons, including two police officers.

Colonel Duarte of the local police force say that terrorism is not involved and the culprits are probably local pranksters who often play around with grenades.

The police colonel also suggested that perhaps another gambling business that wanted to warn a competitor was responsible for the explosion. Casinos as well as bingo halls are permitted, taxed, and regulated under Columbian gambling laws.

Local casinos have been under additional pressure from the recent growth of casinos as well as the popularity of online bingo games in Columbia.

Locals rumor however claim that the explosion was the latest incident in a bloody vendetta between two wealthy local families which has its roots in ancient history.

The police denied speculating since nearly everyone in the town is somehow related to the two powerful families.

“The casino just opened two weeks ago so we have to assume the bombing may be against the casino itself, rather than a criminal conspiracy with a financial angle,” said Col. Duarte, to rule out that extortion played a factor in the explosion.

The four victims of the explosion sustained injuries to their lower limbs caused by shrapnel and are expected to make a complete recovery.

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