Poker Cheat Sheet – Are Poker Charts Cheating? – A Quick Guide!
Posted: September 28, 2023
Updated: September 28, 2023
WSOP cheating scandals
Are poker preflop charts cheating?
Poker cheat sheet

Let’s talk about an effective poker cheat sheet that you can use at all poker games. At first, it sounds awesome! You can even expand it to a chart to create your system that generates wins. It works! But what if everyone starts to use the same system? We are going to explain the world of poker charts and sheets.
Today we are going to talk about the use of a poker cheat sheet in casual and pro play. This means that we are going to talk about some of the old scandals and the new ways in which poker sites try to embrace cheat sheets. Because using these tools used to be a critical issue in the past. But now that everyone uses or at least memorizes them, fighting the motion doesn’t make sense.
Especially now that poker has become much more complex and different than what it used to be ten years ago. Register at the online poker sites in the UK to play with a community that generally doesn’t use cheat sheets. However, do not be surprised if you ever meet a pro who does.
Explaining A Poker Cheat Sheet
The basic cheat sheet is kind of self-explanatory. These are little cards that help you remember the value of the cards, and to not make mistakes based on your knowledge. In conclusion, a poker cheat sheet can ensure the fact that gambling is always correct. I wouldn’t see a problem with someone openly pulling a basic sheet out from their bag during a game. Because it just ensures that everyone understands the value of cards.
According to Technopedia, there are multiple poker formats available nowadays. Tracking information is not a crime, and while it is questionable and awkward, at the same time? I don’t think any poker rooms or casinos would dislike you for checking if your hand is good or not. – Register at bet365 Poker to play at a safe site!
Can You Use A.I. Instead?
Yes! You can fully use an A.I. assistant instead of a simple or complex poker cheat sheet. However, you have to make a different chat and ensure to teach the A.I. how to learn the basics. Once you get the game started, you should tell the A.I. everything about the game, and then you can ask them to recommend a step based on the available information. It isn’t always accurate, but it is viable.
You don’t even have to use a VPN. Keep in mind that creating a communication template is the basis for these tricks. However, if you are planning to cheat by using trainers, keep in mind that poker sites can detect VPNs. Therefore, you shouldn’t try to go down the full-on cheater path.
Complex Poker Cheat Sheet
According to Red Chip Poker, several different sheets can serve you, on a more critical level than a simple cheat sheet. These are charts, and they have caused a lot of controversies and bans in the professional poker scene in the early years of the Internet. People started using these extremely effective charts, which gave them an extremely unfair advantage over normal users. These charts are the following;
- Preflop charts – They tell winning probabilities for preflop. This gives an unfair advantage.
- Winning probability charts – They give a general evaluation of your hand which you can compare to opponent behavior
- Postflop probabilities – These cards are for playing after the flop
- Bet sizing chart – Tells you how much you should bet based on your hand.
These are the general archetypes of ethically questionable charts. But most poker professionals kept using them during WSOP and similar events. So why shouldn’t you?
Is This Legal Or Allowed?
A little elaboration on the complex poker cheat sheet. No, it isn’t allowed. Yes, it is fully legal. However, there is an update from my previous statement too. Nowadays poker sites such as 888 have started to embrace cheat sheets. Of course, they try to educate people in a way so that the simple sheet overshadows the chart. But at the same time, they can not help but accept that at the computer, you can look at whatever chart you want.
But during the 2000s WSOPe events, the pro poker cheating scandals were causing a lot of controversies. Events banned certain players, who then claimed that everyone was using them. It was the same claim Donald Trump made about Biden in his confession of cheating attempts at the votes.
Most Up To Date Poker Cheat Sheet
According to Reddit, poker players are still compiling several different types of charts for people to use based on hard research. Because there are people who just love to do these for either their use or to complete a math problem. But keep in mind that these tricks only work, as long as not everyone else is playing by these rules. Once all the people at the table start to use these charts, the game changes.
This is what professional high-end poker tournaments are experiencing right now. Everyone knows these rules, so new rules are needed to countermeasure them. And if someone countermeasures them, then everyone else reverts to these rules. This is why poker turns into gambling once more, and this is why it works fairly always.
Where To Play Fair Poker?
Feeling confused? I can fully understand you. Using a poker cheat sheet is not the simplest thing, because charts are, as we said previously, only good as long as no one else plays by the same rules. Which makes high-end poker much more complicated. This phenomenon is not dedicated to poker alone.
Every single game with a competition has a ‘cheat sheet’ and once everyone uses the cheat sheet, the counter for the cheat sheet becomes the cheat sheet. This is how good competitions always turn into a combination of skill, luck, and chess. My top tip is to use the daily diet for poker pros and register at bet365 Poker to enjoy a great community instead of using charts.