Pennsylvania: Gambling Laws Consider Fantasy Sports as Gambling Product


Posted: March 1, 2016

Updated: May 25, 2017

Released last week, is a new law requiring the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to put together a report detailing the local gambling laws consider fantasy sports as a gambling product.

Though extreme, without the proper regulations, betting or gambling on DFS will push and challenge already existing and strict gambling laws in the US and in Pennsylvania.

How This Report Will Affect DFS

What is required in the report from the PGCB is a clear definition of how local gambling laws consider fantasy sport in online gambling and how it is represented in all aspects as an entity. Also, the explanation in the differences in fantasy sports and their activities: overall legal compliance with existing regulations in Pennsylvania, minors gambling, and suggesting means of action.

Pennsylvania’s report is the first attempt of its kind in making a deliberate path towards truly defining DFS within the US gambling laws and in online gambling in the US, itself.

With a Deeper Understanding There will be Deeper Regulations in How Gambling Laws Consider fantasy Sports

The report is anticipated as being a stepping stone for other states to follow suit and with their online gambling laws when there is a better and thorough understanding of DFS. The results could also put laws and procedures already going through legislation, on hold.

Should the report be successful and thorough, there is consideration for adding the definition of DFS in the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act and thus creating a clearer understanding on its position in the US gambling laws and legal system. The era of how gambling laws consider fantasy sports has only just begun.

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