Online Casino Users in Malaysia Need to Stay Away From Loan Sharks


Posted: February 17, 2010

Updated: October 4, 2017

Lucky for residents, according to Malaysian gambling law, many different forms of gambling are perfectly legal and punters can access them with

Lucky for residents, according to Malaysian gambling law, many different forms of gambling are perfectly legal and punters can access them with ease. Card and table games, slots, the national lottery and horseracing are all legal. Horseracing is the only form of sports betting that is currently legal. 

Up until the year 2000, there were several arcade like facilities in which punters could gamble open for operation. These institutions were outlawed but Malaysians are still permitted to go to the casino for a good time. 

Unfortunately, there’s only one casino currently open in the entire country. As a result, many locals play at online casinos in Malaysia. The government would like to keep players from playing at internet casinos but, as the accessible sights are licensed in countries where online gambling is legal, the government has no jurisdiction over them. 

As of late, a serious issue has arisen from those who access internet gambling in Malaysia. Those who take this otherwise innocent pastime to an extreme are finding themselves in very serious predicaments related to loan sharks. 

Loan Sharks or “ah long,” as they’re referred to in Malaysia, are crushing down on their clientele mercilessly and innocent people are being hurt. The latest case involves a borrower who could not pay his loan back and went into hiding.  

Being that the man was in hiding, the ah long went to his home and torched his wife’s car, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. According to police, a high percentage of the ah long’s atrocities are involved with online gambling in some way. 

Online gambling is a perfectly innocent and legitimate pastime when taken in good measure. Gamblers must know their limit! The Malaysian government highly advises nationals to steer clear of the ah long’s services because they are acting excessively more brutal towards clients.

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