NRL’s Head Todd Greenberg Investigated for Late Ryan Tandy’s Bets


Posted: May 10, 2014

Updated: October 4, 2017

The NRL is reportedly investigating its executive Todd Greenberg, who supposedly didn’t take official actions when he found out that star player Ryan Tandy was betting on Canterbury Bulldogs’ games, which was against the league’s rules.

Tandy was found dead from a drug overdose in April 2014 and his problem gambling and match-fixing history, which was the reason for his life ban from the League, became center of the gambling news again.

The old story

Back when his investigation was taking place, there were other sports figures, which were also involved, but Tandy was the only one who suffered punishment.

However, his death brought back the focus on the betting scheme, and the latest person, who is suspected of unregulated actions, is Greenberg, currently an important executive at the NRL.

It is interesting that he was CEO of the Bulldogs, Tandy’s team, when the match-fixing attempt took place, but failed miserably.

In the news

Todd Greenberg investigated for player Tandy’s betting

• Tandy was found dead last month, which opened his betting case again

• Greenberg is accused of not taking any actions despite his knowledge of the situation

• He denies everything

This week the ABC reported details around the accusations that Greenberg was completely aware of Tandy’s betting on NRL games, as he was informed at a meeting with John Schell, a jockey manager, which Tandy used to place his wagers.

The NRL spokesperson commented that Greenberg was absolutely firm on the fact that Tandy’s betting on league games was not discussed at the abovementioned meeting: “Mr. Greenberg says at no stage during the meeting was there any suggestion or allegation of betting on rugby league matches. Mr. Greenberg categorically dismisses any suggestion otherwise.”

The allegations claim that Schell showed Greenberg and Alan Thompson, Bulldogs manager at the time, even showed his ledger with Tandy’s bets, as well as his debt to Schell, which was more than $30,000.

A ledger with Tandy’s bets was also evidence at one of Tandy’s cases court, which showed that he had placed four bets on NRL games, each of them worth $5,000, completely against the rules of the league and Australian gambling laws.

This is where Greenberg’s actions were taken into consideration, as it is claimed that he didn’t take any actions to investigate the betting case, despite the fact that he was aware of the facts.

Not first accusation of Greenberg

The NRL spokesperson, added: “These are allegations which go back three years. However, the NRL takes such issues seriously and is making inquiries into the matter.”

The NRL explained in detail that Greenberg completely denied receiving any information regarding Tandy’s betting habits, but it appears that this is the second time, since he is part of the NRL, that his actions were investigated.

The first case, which ended last year involved accusations of covering up a case of domestic violence incident with Ben Barba, who was Canterbury’s fullback at the time.

There is high chance that Tandy’s case wouldn’t have been brought up again, but his death opened Pandora’s Box again, so Greenberg couldn’t avoid the involvement.

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