Novelty Betting Bonanza On Who Will Be Next Doctor Who

Posted: February 3, 2017

Updated: October 6, 2017

Novelty betting comes in all shapes and sizes and with the latest in an illustrious line of actors passing on the torch of one of televisions most enduring roles, that of Doctor Who, there is already keen interest in who will be the next actor to take on this iconic British traveler in space and time.

Next Doctor Who

• Sherian Smith – 16/1
• Robert Carlyle – 16/1
• Helen B Carter – 16/1
• Olivia Colman – 12/1
• Lara Pulver – 10/1
• Richard Ayoade – 8/1
• Rory Kinnear – 8/1

Doctor Who, a BBC sci fi TV series that has run since 1963 almost continuously, is an icon of British culture whether it wants to be or not. Endlessly pitting “The Doctor” against a myriad of puzzles, mysteries, alien foes and other assorted space/time-travel related adventuring it has been a firm favorite with audiences, even as the actor playing the lead has changed over the years, and with another regeneration in the offing you novelty betting fans can wager on who’ll take over the Tardis next.

Those that like to bet on sports in the UK might be used to a little ardency among fans, of say Premier League teams, however even they might be surprised by the levels of pique that can be found in the geek fan world when you start discussing Doctor Who. Arguments over which portrayal was best so far was can run for hours and become quite heated, thus speculation over which actor will take over the role is likely to attract quite the ferocious nerdgasm online as much as it will novelty betting at Bet365.

Doctor Who Is Perfect For Novelty Betting

The latest incumbent of the bigger-on-the-inside-than-the-outside blue police box was Peter Capaldi, who had hitherto done sterling work in “Local Hero” and the comic masterpiece “The Thick Of It” where he played the fabulously foul mouthed Malcom Tucker, and his announcement that the series beginning in April will be his last opens the markets up instantly for novelty betting aficionados to get behind their favored replacement, but just who would you put money on at Bet365?

Doctor Who - Comic Book Poster

Do we know who’s going to play this guy? (Photo: Entertainment Earth)

Previous Doctors

• William Hartnell
• Patrick Troughton
• Jon Pertwee
• Tom Baker
• Peter Davidson
• Colin Baker
• Sylvester McCoy
• Paul McGann
• Chris Eccleston
• David Tennant
• Matt Smith
• Peter Capaldi

Well personally I’m fond of Eddie Izzard (Ooooh I’m a Timelord. Good thing.) who is getting 50/1 at sites akin to Bet365, or perhaps Stephen Fry at 33/1 to one might be fun, if slightly hammy, and anyone in the UK gambling laws of predictable scripting means we’re limited to only men playing the role, think again, Gemma Arterton is getting 25/1 with Vicky McClure getting a generous 20/1

Even the oddest novelty betting fan would however shy away from backing Idris Elba or Tom Hiddleston.

Back Your Favorite At Online Sites Like Bet365

Idris gets 20/1 whilst Tom gets 25/1 and yet you can’t help thinking that whilst both could play a terrific James Bond they’d be bloody useless as Doctor Who. Closer to the top of the chances are Sheridan Smith and Robert Carlyle, both of whom get 16/1 but only one of which was in Trainspotting and would make a good Doctor. Helen Bonham Carter gets the same odds at bookies like Bet365 but novelty betting regulars might wish to go for the utterly superb Olivia Colman, as seen in Broadchurch and The Night Manager, who gets 12/1.

Colman would make a smashing Doctor Who, but she’s just behind Lara Pulver of Sherlock fame at 10/1 who probably wouldn’t. Beyond them it’s really a battle between the excellent Rory Kinnear and the geek’s favorite Richard Ayoade both of whom get 8/1. As Moss in the IT Crowd Ayoade proved himself a comic genius, but Kinnear probably has more acting range and that could seal it for him and you can expect UK gambling news headlines noting his odds shortening soon so if you plan to do some novelty betting on who’ll be the next Doctor Who, now’s the time…….and Kinnear’s your man.

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