New Cherry Casino Chief Executive of Online Gaming Division Appointed
Posted: December 3, 2015
Updated: October 6, 2017

Jonas Wahlander has been appointed the new Cherry Casino chief executive of the Online Gaming division.
In EU gambling news, Wahlander has been appointed as a new Cherry Casino chief executive as part of the casino’s efforts towards improving its online gambling operations. Wahlander has over 15 years experience in senior positions within various online entertainment companies, and joins Cherry Casino following leaving his post as managing director of Universal Sony Pictures operations in Scandinavia.
Says Wahlander of his new employer: “Cherry is a group with great values, tradition and brands that we can harvest. I’ve been very impressed by Cherry’s focus on the future and the most recent results show that the business is going very much in the right direction. It’s our objective to act as leaders and I’m going to do everything I can to help Cherry continue to achieve that.”
Marius Andersen joins Cherry Casino chief executive in new role
In addition to the news of Wahlander being appointed as a new Cherry Casino chief executive, the popular European internet casino also announced the appointment of Marius Andersen as chief growth officer within the business division. He will report directly to Wahlander, explore market growth opportunities, and take operational control of Cherry Online Gaming.

Says Andersen: “Cherry’s Online Gaming business area has performed really well over the past year and I’m really excited to be in this new role, which is dependent on maximizing growth.”
Cherry Group chief executive Fredrik Burvall added that: “Cherry’s long-term strategy is to generate continued profitable growth in online gaming, both through organic growth and acquisitions. These management changes will support Cherry Online Gaming to continue to grow faster than the market and increase our profitability.”
To learn more about the popular online gambling site in the EU, take a look at our Cherry Casino review