Nevada Leads the Way in Regulating Online Gambling in USA
Posted: August 31, 2011
Updated: October 4, 2017
State of Nevada prepares for legalization of online gambling in United States with its own rules and regulations

State of Nevada decided not to wait until Federal Government makes online gambling legal and drew up a draft of rules and regulations. Nevada lawmakers argue that the state should have a set of regulations ready before January. Once American gambling laws change favorably, Nevada plans to be ready to license and regulate online gaming.
Understandably the gambling state as well as Las Vegas giant casino owners and gaming operators want to keep their position as the industry leaders. This is the primary reason behind Nevada moving ahead with its own regulations, concerning among other online casinos in United States. However, the state of Nevada has to wait until government makes online gaming legal in the country.
Mark Lipparelli, the Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Board, told United States gambling news: “Our technology is not perfect as of yet, but we believe it has improved enough to guarantee the State can properly regulate companies that want to offer online gambling.”
Currently, Nevada has regulations concerning games and taxation already in place. When it comes to taxation – rules seem to be quite fair. All gaming operators for online gambling or poker are expected to be taxed at the same rate as Nevada’s land-based casinos.
Nevada game regulations set limitations in terms what games customers will be able to enjoy. These games are limited to those, where players bet against each other, rather than against a casino or a poker site. In other words: craps, blackjack and roulette are currently out.
It remains to be seen when the Federal Government decides to legalize online gambling in United States. Yet it seems that Nevada has reinvented itself once again as the market pioneer and is ready to take on online gambling.