Major Online Sportsbook Claims Greenland is the Lost Atlantis

Posted: April 1, 2011

Updated: October 4, 2017

Punters expected to flood the online sportsbook website, and take the favorable odds on this long term bet.

Starting this month, a well-known online sportsbook has begun accepting bets on whether the island of Greenland is in fact the long lost continent of Atlantis. The bookmaker claims to be in possession of documents which clearly indicate if Greenland is indeed the long-lost legendary continent or not. The truth, backed by scientific research is supposed to be revealed later this year.

Thousands of internet betting enthusiasts from around the world are expected to participate in this proposition bet. So far over 10,000 people have placed bets regarding Atlantis with the total number expected to reach the 1,000,000 mark by the end of the promotional period.

Punters can wager anywhere from $10 to $500,000 on this unusual bet. Bookmakers predict that this unique proposition bet will break all internet gambling records.

Throughout the course of casino history, many unusual interesting proposition bets were invented. The zany prop bets included “Man would walk on the moon”, “Tiger Woods will become President of the United States”, “FBI confirms that Elvis is still alive”, “Michael and LaToya Jackson really are the same person”, “Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky will marry” and many more. Yet never in the past has any sportsbook ever offered a proposition bet predicting the location of the long lost continent of Atlantis.

Many protests from skeptical historians as well as from common folk are expected. If the rumor should turn out to be true, Greenland will instantly become the hottest tourist destination in the world.

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