Louie Anderson Gambling Story – Renting A Car To Pay Debt
Posted: July 22, 2022
Updated: July 22, 2022
Everyone’s favorite cartoon character and real-life comedian
Renting a car to win your losses back
Louie Anderson's gambling story

Louie Anderson was many people’s favorite comedian and actor. However, only a few people know that Louie had a love for gambling and games. Therefore, in this article, we are going to share Louie Anderson’s gambling story. This man was taking crazy risks, yet he came out as a winner. The 68 years old comedian always had a stubborn attitude about life. Because he fought cancer and created a gigantic industry out of his comedy career.
Therefore, you are going to enjoy the most insane gambling story he ever participated in. If it motivates you to play some poker, then you should visit online poker sites in the US. Because these sites all support gambling awareness. Furthermore, they replicate the real Las Vegas feeling when you are playing with others. Louie Anderson had an Emmy award in drama and comedy.
Life With Louie
Before things such as the Louie Anderson gambling story, he was just a kid coming from a family of 11. However, many people might remember the cartoon he made about his childhood. The show was called “Life With Louie.” This carton shows a more wholesome side to his childhood and family.
However, Louie had a depth to all of this. Everyone knew Louie as a person who was laughing in the face of death and sorrow. Therefore, one of his most iconic lines is: “I don’t want to give the wrong impression on my dad! He never hit us… He carried a gun….” In this story, Louie talks about his gambling thrill in one of the funniest casino stories you will ever hear.
Louie Anderson Gambling Story
Unfortunately, earlier this year, on January 21, 2022, Louie Andersen passed away. Many people remember Louie as their favorite cartoon character. Furthermore, some might recognize him from commercials, or his stand-up comedy shows. According to CNN, two of his most famous books are “Hey Dad” and “Hey Mom”. Therefore, if you are interested in his life, you should buy the books.
He was a great storyteller, who always managed to make people laugh and smile. Rest in peace Louie! To pay tribute to his humor, we are going to tell you the crazy Louie Anderson gambling story. Because this story and the way he told it perfectly communicates everything about his personality. Therefore, let’s discover how he turned his insane loss into an insane win by renting a car. Furthermore, he even made it back to film a 7/11 commercial the next day.
The Hilarious Louie Anderson Gambling Story
According to Rock95, Louie Anderson was telling his gambling story to Opie Radio. The story was not the only crazy thing he explained. Because right after telling the story, he talked about his connection to OJ Simpson. However, the Louie Anderson gambling story won the best story of the broadcast.
Because Anderson says that he was playing cards, losing $80,000 on Pan 9. Owing the money to the guy he was playing against. However, it was 10 p.m. and he had no more money on him. Therefore, he remembered that he has a $2000 line of credit in Bally’s. Therefore, he decided to fly to Las Vegas and get the money back. However, the flights were all canceled.
Renting A Car To Win His Losses Back
The Louie Anderson gambling story doesn’t end with this. Because right after he decided to rent a car so he can drive to Las Vegas. Therefore, in a few hours, he found himself attending Bally’s. Turns out that Louie had a $10.000 line of money, however, he only requested $2000 to not lose all of his money.
He decided to play the whole night, stacking wins on top of wins, bouncing up and down in balance. However… When he reached $90.000 he was dealt two aces in his hand. He split his ace, and he wins $100000… And he even managed to let the dealer win $20K in cash. This story alone should make Louie join the list of the greatest gambling pop culture references.
The Louie Anderson Gambling Story Ends With 7/11 Commercial
Reaching the end of the Louie Anderson gambling story, it is not over yet. Because what makes this hilarious story even better is what happened after he won. He decided to drive right back to where he lost the money. Therefore, the guy he owed was surprised to see that Louie handed him $80,000 a few hours later.
Therefore… He was left with $20,000 on his person, and he made it to work the next morning. Because right after this day, he was shooting a 7/11 Commercial in the morning. The Life of Louie Anderson is all about small stories such as this one. According to the Thrillist, he made a successful cartoon about his childhood. However, it wouldn’t be a surprise if someone turned his adult life into one of those Netflix series.
The Safest Online Gambling Site
As a conclusion to the Louie Anderson gambling story, we can see that his experiences were troublesome. However, we also have to remember that Louie owned several television shows, and he was also a popular comedian. Therefore, he could easily afford high stakes such as this.
However, there are online casino sites today that support both high stake and safe gambling. Therefore, if you are interested in joining one of these poker games. Then you should visit Everygame Poker. Because they are one of the oldest online casino sites in the world. Therefore, this is one of the best sites if you wish to maintain a healthy gambling schedule.
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