Iconic Gambling Builds In Video Games – Win Using Pure Luck
Posted: September 29, 2023
Updated: September 29, 2023
Did you like the luck built in Hearthstone?
Which games have luck and crit stats?
Iconic gambling builds in video games

Are you ready to remember the iconic gambling builds in video games? These builds gave us a lot of fun, and they are still giving. Sometimes it is the funniest thing to break the plan of the game makers by running around and one-shotting the creatures put in front of you, abusing luck and critical chance stats. This way you can turn competitive games into poker-like mind games.
Today we will talk about some of the iconic gambling builds in video games. Therefore, we have collected strange itemization and perk paths that could turn the game into a game of high-stakes poker. You will either get lucky and win the world, or you lose and probably have to reload the game, if there is an option at all.
If you are a gamer, then maybe you want to exchange these old builds for an actual game of chance to win money. If that’s the case, then all you have to do is browse our dictionary of online gambling sites in the US. But before you do that, let us remember some of the funniest gaming moments.
WoW – TTW Mage – Iconic Gambling Builds In Video Games
Let’s start with an iconic game. World of Warcraft used to be much more fun than it is today. It has changed the lives of millions of people. Some for the better, some for the worse. It had a global effect on the economy, and of course, reshaped the gaming industry and online video games as we knew them. For nostalgia, check out our Warcraft 3 betting guide.
Do you remember the Wrath of the Lich King? There was a build called TTW Mage. This is a fire-frost mage with the talent ‘Torment The Weak’ which dealt more damage to slowed targets. With the pyroblast process, the whole build was a gambling. You were probably the top DPS. However, if you were racing other mages, it became the ultimate game of gambling. – Register at Ignition Casino to experience the same for real cash.
Payday 2 – Dodge A Bullet
This was one of the most iconic gambling builds in video games. With the release of Payday 3, let’s travel back to the iconic days of Payday 2. I clearly remember when I saw this mechanism first. You could build a dodge build, which allowed you to dodge bullets based on chance. On a high level, you walked through the whole map under raid, without any bullets hitting you.
However, if you were unlucky, the whole heist had a bitter ending, and you probably pissed a lot of teammates off with your bad fortune. According to the Steam Community, the whole perk is just giving you a chance to ignore damage based on %. Which is extremely funny in the end phase.
LoL – Tryndamere – Iconic Gambling Builds In Video Games
When I used to play League of Legends, I was a Tryndamere main. Why? Because playing high-ranking Tyrndamere feels like a game of poker when you either fold or call. See, the mechanics are easy: Go in and destroy the enemy on increased chance, or stay behind. If you get a feel for the randomity, you can dominate the early game by flashing on the enemy and destroying them early.
Later, you will become weaker. This is when you start to ignore your team and just split push lanes. You need to pick one lane out of three, or an alternative strategy for backdoor. And people know this. This is where you play in for their paranoia to pull enemy teammates away for fake pushes. According to Reddit, Tryndamere’s crits are still fully random.
Dark Souls 3 Luck Build
Dark Souls is supposed to be a hard game. And it fully is. However, if you master the stats of luck, you can achieve greatness. Because luck can affect bleed effects. This means that all you have to do is to somehow strike the enemy, and then let the bleeding effect do the rest. This became one of the many iconic gambling builds in video games.
While playing this, you will truly feel like a protagonist in one of the 7 best gambling anime you should watch. The next time you play, test the Dex/Luck/Hollow Bleed Build and you are going to have a bunch of fun with it, for sure! And if you ever get into a hard fight? You will still perform lucky attacks!
Fallout 4 – Crit Build
No wonder this is among the most iconic gambling builds in video games. According to Gamefaqs, Fallout 4 has a similar luck system as Tryndamere in League of Legends. Generally, some of the game system makers do not understand the power of chances. For example, triggering a 200% crit sounds edgy and cool. Something players would love. However, this crit can also pump up your hits and chances.
This way, every interaction that requires luck or crit is going to succeed. Furthermore, when you set your targets with a pre-planned shooting plan, you will succeed with a critical. This means that you can eliminate a whole horde of enemies if you have the power of surprise and high ground on your side.
BG3 – Tymora Cleric – Iconic Gambling Builds In Video Games
The wonderful world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is going to make you busy for a few years until you get tired of all of the different builds and possibilities you can achieve. However, there is a whole way in which you can play a fun-blown gambler. For starters, you should start a halfling. Then you should make a Tymora Cleric of Trickery domain.
Finally, you can add Karlach Wild Magic Barbarian to your team, then Gale’s chaotic spells. On top of that, you can use Shadowheart or Wyll, both of which can give you luck increases. This way, you will be weak, but you will gamble your way to saving the world with dumbluck.
Play Slots For A Pay For Chance Experience
That was the list. Do you have any fond moments of video games and luck builds? If yes, tell us in the comments! Now that we have discussed the most iconic gambling builds in video games, let us see how it has trained our consciousness into gambling awareness.
Because trust me, playing 100 hours of Tryndamere is going to make you understand how taking chances will not always pay out. Once you master your mind with Tryndamere, you can start your journey with slots. Keep in mind that responsible gaming is super important. But if you feel ready to play sometimes, then register at Ignition Casino.