The ICC & Its Bet On A Manchester Football Derby Wowing Fans

Posted: July 19, 2017

Updated: July 19, 2017

The International Champions Cup brings together club sides from Europe and takes them to other continents for a friendly competition that this year will see Tottenham Hotspur take on Roma, Arsenal face up to Bayern Munich and Lyon to duke it out with Internazionale, but if you’re in the UK the chances are the ICC has one attraction and that is that it allows you to bet on a Manchester football derby without having to worry about a bodycount on the news afterward.

International Champions Cup

  • Founded – 2013
  • Hosts 2017 – US, China, Singapore
  • No. Teams – 15
  • Most Wins – Real Madrid
  • Champs – PSG, Juventus

Suffering through a return of the “Nasty Party” Conservatives at the helm, Britain has so far managed to avoid descending into anarchy in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, multiple terrorist attacks and Doctor Who becoming a woman, however with Brexit still looming and the weather set to hit record highs it can only be a matter of time, and if you need a spark for a bit of social unrest you can always bet on a Manchester football derby to provide one, but luckily for the UK this time they’re playing away.

The International Champions Cup has only been running for a few years now, having been founded by Relevent Sports back in 2013, but has already firmly established itself on the summer calendar as one of the premier exhibition competitions in the world bringing top tier football (and you can always bet on a Manchester football derby to involve some sort of tears) closer to fans around the globe and this year if you like to bet on sports in the US or China or Singapore, the 2017 ICC is as great opportunity.

International Champions Cup 2017 In The USA, China & Singapore

Jose Mourinho

With the ICC split between the three hosts it is Houston, Texas in the good old US of A that gets to host the Manchester United versus Manchester City battle this week, possibly because their officers of the law are permitted automatic weapons and no common sense, but mostly because the cost of airfares between the UK and US will keep out the riff-raff (like real fans) out. This is an exhibition tournament, and with their own fans around no one would bet on a Manchester football derby leaving a good impression.

Obviously there is still pride at work during these “friendlies” and no one likes to lose, so if you do bet on a Manchester football derby this week you can almost guarantee this will be no Sunday league effort from either the reds or sky blues. Indeed in the neutral territory of Texas this might be one of the more well behaved meetings twixt these two sides and whilst “soccer” still has a long way to go before it conquors the continent the liberalization of US gambling laws is paving the way with a simple truth.

Put A Bet On A Manchester Football Derby At Bet365 This week

International Champions Cup

  • Founded – 2013
  • Hosts 2017 – US, China, Singapore
  • No. Teams – 15
  • Most Wins – Real Madrid
  • Champs – PSG, Juventus

The truth is that US gambling news pages read like the footnotes of a theoretical mathematics dissertation written by someone on more sulphates than braincells, the mound of statistics ridiculous, the entire world of wagering rendered almost inaccessible by its sheer complexity. The ICC demonstrates that it doesn’t need to be about yardage or averages or bizarrely formulated percentages, it can be simple, clean, elegant and still provide a great range of books as Bet365 amply demonstrates.

Pep Guardiola

Bet365 are actually giving Man City the edge in this meeting of the two sides, they get 7/5 to beat a fairly mediocre Manchester United side under Jose Mourinho who in return get 9/5 to take victory in front of the American crowd in Texas who could always bet on a Manchester football derby to be a draw at 5/2 although that might just be missing the point. Meanwhile back in their home city fans will cluster round televisions late into the night and policemen will breathe a small sigh of relief once more.

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