Gambling Is A Safe Bet In Computer Games Despite The Fuss

Posted: May 5, 2020

Updated: May 5, 2020

  • An Online, Mobile, Virtual Reality Awaits The Correct Technology
  • Placing A Bet In Computer Games Could Connect With Real World
  • Bet365 May Run Franchise Inside The Virtual Worlds Of The Future
Image source: Flickr

With social media ready to pounce on every misstep game creators are getting cagey. Lurking controversy awaits to end promising executive careers. However, the need to replicate, or merely decorate, in-game environments means you’ll always be able to bet in computer games. What will be interesting is to see if online sportsbook sites in the UK, like Bet365, will be included in the virtual realities to come. Will an augmented reality include in-game bookies but RL wagers?   

The conservatism in gaming is legend. Companies milk a success till it’s dry, some over tens of years, anything rather than take a risk on innovation. Games like Portal stand out simply because they did something new. Few other titles are so cavalier. Ask the developers of Star Citizen if there will be a planet of the casinos. Well, exactly. This mostly relegates a bet in computer games to a piece of neutered decoration, a superfluous addition. In the future, however, this may change.

Naturally, the Fallout series will continue to enjoy gambling as a trope. It may be a skill set you only get into using on your third playthrough, but it’ll be there. Other games will include it for verisimilitude, but the line between real gambling and simply playing at it is now entirely clear. Social media will always accuse random rewards of programming kiddies to rush off and bet on sports in the UK. That doesn’t necessarily make it true. A bet in computer games isn’t real. Yet. 

Augmented Reality Could Be Future Of Bet365

Open-world games will include casinos and gambling because people expect to see them. It would appear less than optimal without them. However, the innovation in gambling in gaming will once again come from less serious gamers. The loot box controversy stopped games bringing in gambling, but exporting it into the real world? That could be a real money-spinner. Augmented reality has yet to take off, but with portability and instant access to play with, it’s only a matter of time.

Ambrose Bierce

“The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling.”

Bet In Computer Games
Ambrose Bierce in 1892 – Image source: Unknown author / via Wikimedia Commons

People felt wearing a pair of light glasses, which display the internet or other information, was creepy. Or at least they did when Google tried it. An invasion of privacy, they screamed. In the future, the generations that have shared everything on social media since inception let alone birth, may not mind. This then will open the way for people to bet in computer games on things happening in reality. You could find UK gambling laws listed as part of the terms and conditions.

Bet In Computer Games, Win In Reality?

Augmented reality overlays what you see with generated graphics to enhance it. This means you can play games, get information about what you’re seeing or just block out the bits of reality you don’t like. So wearing your AR glasses you could read the paper and all the stuff about war or famine might be blank. Because you don’t want to see it. Flick to the sports pages, however, and the AR, using an AI perchance, upon seeing the article about tonight’s match could offer a bet on it.

Simon Noble

“Gambling is the future on the internet. You can only look at so many dirty pictures.”

A virtual Ray Winstone popping up before your eyeballs might alarm you, but for some, it’ll be de rigueur. The future of everyday casual gaming will be the networking of AR. This will knock-on into the real world and provide online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 their opportunity. In-Play betting already exists, and that live link in an AR system will make visiting a casino as easy as a bet in computer games is now. The only thing that holds this back is the technology…..Oh, and social media drama drones. 

Read more about gambling in computer games.

We take a look at why a bet in computer games of the future could be a wager on reality as well.

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