Gambling Horoscope This Week: January 09, 2017

Posted: January 9, 2017

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you in the coming week.

AriesAries March 21 – April 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Aries Keira Knightley may well have survived her encounters with the Pirates of the Caribbean but this week it’ll be you that will need to repel boarders as your toes are definitely stepped on by someone trying to muscle in on your territory. Your response should be swift, harsh and merciless or you’re destined to spend the rest of the year dealing with similar issues and frankly you’re going to have better things to do. Your lucky multi-use stadium in Burkina Faso is the Stade Wobi Bobo-Dioulasso.

TaurusTaurus April 20 – May 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Taurus George Lucas may have brought us Indiana Jones but this week it’ll be you that’s going on a bit of an adventure, metaphorically, and whilst you may not need raid the tombs of ancient Egyptians there’s still going to be plenty of history to explore and learn from. Journeying through the past can be alarming and illuminating but the rewards can be huge, especially if you can leverage that knowledge to improve your current situation. Your lucky 16th century Dutch painter is Bartholomeus Barbiers.

GeminiGemini May 21 – June 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Gemini Maggie Q may well have played a rogue assassin returning to have revenge on the shadowy organization that trained her in Nikita, but this week you’ll be far more apt to reward those that helped get you where you are today rather than seek their destruction. Take the moment when it presents itself and spare the time to say thank even if that involves more time than you honestly think it’s worth and have to grit your teeth to get through it. Your lucky afrotropical genus of Potter Wasps is Acarepipona.

CancerCancer June 21 – July 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Cancer Patrick Stewart may well have commanded the USS Enterprise in television’s Star Trek but this week you too may possibly have to boldly go where no one has been before, at least figuratively, and if that seems a little daunting don’t worry too much, you’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling so the chances are your travels into the unknown will be as rewarding and exciting as picking a few winners over at Bet365 on the weekend. Your lucky episode of Beavis & Butt-Head is “The Rat” in series 8.

LeoLeo July 23 – August 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Leo Emily Kinney may have starred in the hit TV series The Walking Dead but this week you’ll be the one that has to deal with a few zombies as the start of the year hasn’t galvanized everyone into action just yet. Try to encourage rather than explode, your temper is ferocious but you’re far more likely to get a useful reaction if you urge them towards success rather than cataloging their failings, and the odd compliment amid the disparagement could serve you well. Your lucky community in Kansas is Eden.

VirgoVirgo August 23 – September 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Virgo Jason Sudeikis may well have been a less than successful smuggler in We’re The Millers but this week you’ll be the one that has to sneak a few trifles by the powers that be. There’s a time and place for complete honesty and this is neither so put your best poker face on and remember that the results don’t often justify the means and even if they do no one really wants to see how the tasty sausage got made at the butchers, but the alternative could be far worse. Your lucky composers are Ira & George Gershwin.

LibraLibra September 23 – October 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Libra Kate Winslet may have gone down on the Titanic but that’s no reason for you to follow her example so if there’s a lifeboat nearby now would be the time to climb aboard and set yourself adrift because that metaphorical iceberg looms large on the horizon. Your weekend will have a few fraught moments, especially where family are concerned, but if you keep a civil tongue it’ll go far smoother than if you allow your mouth to say what you’re actually thinking. Your lucky fish is a freshwater Pike.

ScorpioScorpio October 23 – November 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Scorpio Johnny Lee Miller may well have been a smack head in Trainspotting but this week you’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs and won’t feel the same need to escape the rigors of reality. There’s going to be a pleasant surprise around mid-week especially if you log on to Bet365 and whilst you may need to lend your shoulder to a friend with issues, they’ve far less to worry about than they believe and you should easily be able to convince them so. Your lucky criminologist in Liverpool is Cindy Fazey.

SagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Sagittarius Dina Meyer may well have been one of the Starship Troopers that fought on the front lines against legitimately vexed bugs from space but this week it’ll be you that finds themselves in the trenches and when push comes to shove you might just have to stand and fight, even if only with words. There’s a happy instance of serendipity to be had on the weekend if you can just calm down enough to spot it when it lands in your lap. Your lucky company based in Sweden is Bonzun.

CapricornCapricorn December 22 – January 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Capricorn Cary Grant may well have been the smooth romantic lead in some superb movies like Father Goose but this week the course of true love runs far less like a Hollywood script than you’d like. Don’t panic there’s always a few setbacks on the road to happiness and this week will contain a couple, but if you’re patient there’s every chance that this really will only be temporary. Of course if you fly off the handle instead it could be over forever. Your lucky expanse of water is Brantingham Lake, NY, USA.

AquariusAquarius January 20 – February 18

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Aquarius Molly Ringwald may well have gone from the Breakfast Club to writing advice in the Guardian but this week you’ll be the one that is asked to set things out in a more concrete way. Whether it’s writing a report at work or just plumping for one of a number of options at home, the next few days are all going to be about being decisive. You’ve put off some choices over the festive season but now that’s done it’s time to pick a winner. Your lucky village in the Ljig municipality of Serbia is Zivkovci.

PiscesPisces February 19 – March 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Pisces John Boyega may have fought in the Star Wars portrayed in The Force Awakens but this week you won’t have to battle beyond the stars because all your conflicts are right here on Earth. Don’t concern yourself too much, however, because with a superb horoscope for betting the chances are you’ll instinctively counter any attacks without too much effort on your part, and with such manifestly useful luck like that you should check out Bet365 too. Your lucky Egyptian swimmer is Tamer Hamed.

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