Gambling Horoscope This Week: December, 28 2015

Posted: December 28, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you in the coming week.

AriesAries March 21 – April 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Jennifer Garner, another Aries, may have starred in Alias but you’ll be the one with a tricky mission this week. If it seems impossible at the moment don’t worry, with your resourcefulness you’ll easily find a way to pull it off and keep all parties happy. Leave time towards the end of the week to recover from the middle of the week and if possible avoid needing to recover at all. Steer clear of any liquid you can’t pronounce first time. Your lucky cocktail is Hemingway’s Death in the Afternoon.

TaurusTaurus April 20 – May 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Taurus David Attenborough might know all there is about the wildlife of the planet however it’ll be you having a close encounter with something from the animal world this week so keep a cool head and remember eye contact is often seen as an aggressive challenge. When in doubt make yourself scarce, no one will notice if you slip away, and no one said you had to suffer through it all. Keep the weekend spare for some unexpected exercise. Your lucky cocktail is an Alabama Slammer.

GeminiGemini May 21 – June 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Angelina Jolie, also a Gemini, may well have more experience on the red carpet but this week it’ll be you that has to take it all in your stride whatever people might say to get a reaction. Just retain an even keel and you’ll sail through, lose your cool and it’ll all get heated real fast, so have an exit strategy from the situation if not location to hand just in case. Don’t finalize plans that need no finalization, going with the flow could well be a better bet. Your lucky cocktail is a Savoy Corpse Reviver.

CancerCancer June 21 – July 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Danny Glover, a Cancer too, might have been one half of a Lethal Weapon but this week it’ll be you with the unerring aim, and whatever you set out to achieve is well within grasp as you’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs. Go with your first instinct and you won’t put a foot wrong whether it’s sorting out the odd disagreement amongst your peers or picking the winners in the English Premier League at Bet365, this week, you’re golden. Your lucky cocktail is a Salmiakki Koskenkorva.

LeoLeo July 23 – August 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Famous Leo Lisa Kudrow might well have been amongst Friends on TV but you’ll have to put up with the real thing this week and there will be moments when you’ll rather wish that weren’t the case. Alas there’s nowhere to run on this one so grin and bear it, and (where possible) throw caution to the wind and join in, if only to confound those who believe you’re incapable of doing so. Do not allow your weekend to be hectic, you need to save your energy. Your lucky cocktail is a Ruby Dutchess.

VirgoVirgo August 23 – September 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Bruce Springsteen, also born a Virgo, may well be used to Dancing in the Dark but that’s no excuse for you living in the shadows so put your best foot forward and do something different this week even if it is only a sop to those that insist you can’t. There will be plenty of options floating around so pick something light and don’t over reach yourself or plump for the most perplexing and complex of plans, it’s pointless when as much enjoyment can be gained far easier. Your lucky cocktail is a Pink Squirrel.

LibraLibra September 23 – October 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

The Force may be strong in Carrie Fisher, also Libra, but that doesn’t mean you were behind the door when they were handing out the Midi-chlorians, and you won’t need Jedi mind tricks to see the future this week. When you sense it’s all about to go sideways you’re spot on and should take action to rectify the situation, don’t discuss it, there won’t be time, just do as need be done and then tell everyone why afterwards. They’ll far prefer this than the alternative. Your lucky cocktail is a Skittle Bomb.

ScorpioScorpio October 23 – November 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Dylan Moran, that other Scorpio, may well have run Black Books, but you’re the one that can chill out with one this week. Your good fortune this week renders you free of the stress and strain that might beset others and whilst you may be a shoulder to cry upon you’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling upon not getting embroiled however much you listen. So relax and choose your favorites in the EPL at Bet365, with your luck you’re bound to pick a winner. Your lucky cocktail is a Herbsaint Frappe.

SagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Sagittarius Lucy Liu might well be able to solve crimes on television but it’ll be you preventing them from happening this week as you place yourself in the forefront and defuse situations well ahead of them going critical. Not only does this prove effective and useful but the more Machiavellian side of you positively enjoys it, however do attempt not to get carried away and know when to leave it to coast on ahead without you actually being there. Your lucky cocktail is an Orange Safari.

CapricornCapricorn December 22 – January 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Mel Gibson, born under the sign of Capricorn, may well have been in Braveheart but it’ll be you that needs on this week, don’t worry, these things heal with time but that makes them no less painful. Try to look beyond the immediate, and if you can’t, go somewhere you can, even if that’s outside your comfort zone. There will be time on the weekend to reflect, so use it, and don’t distract yourself with things that are best left until later in the new year, that just bottles it up. Your lucky cocktail is a Fuzzy Navel.

AquariusAquarius January 20 – February 18

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Farrah Fawcett, also an Aquarius, might have been in The Cannonball Run but that doesn’t mean you have to race around as if you were fleeing the authorities this week, slow down and make some informed choices so you don’t end up facing consequences too dire to contemplate or stay awake through. Make sure you’ve time on the weekend for a spot of self indulgence, by then you’ll probably have earned it, so don’t skimp on yourself, take the time. Your lucky cocktail is a Long Island Ice Tea.

PiscesPisces February 19 – March 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Fellow Pisces Daniel Craig may well have a License to Kill but you’ll be the one who knows where all the targets are this week. You’ve a great sense of what’s going on and will know just what to do as and when it stares you in the face. With the perfect horoscope for betting don’t wait to analyze just go with your gut and you’ll be home free, whether it’s sorting out arrangements gone awry at the last minute or picking winners at Bet365, you’re unbeatable. Your lucky cocktail is an Aguaymanto Sour.

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