Gambling Horoscope This Week: April 17, 2017

Posted: April 18, 2017

Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for us in the coming week.

AriesAries March 21 – April 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Aries Al Gore may well have warned of the cataclysmic changes that could be wrought upon our world by climate change but this week it’ll be you providing a timely warning to those that should know better. It could be colleagues wandering from the path of common sense or a close friend making a mistake but whichever it’ll be down to you to show them the error of their ways well before the weekend rolls around. Your lucky Tibetan Buddhist Temple is Zuni Mountain Stupa in New Mexico.

TaurusTaurus April 20 – May 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Taurus Grace Jones may well be a little dismissive of Lady Gaga but this week it’ll be you that has to hide their disapproval of someone mimicking your best. Be diplomatic because there’s no good ending to a blazing row and in the end this is only ever going to be temporary. You’ll receive a bit of a surprise around Thursday but don’t panic, it’s by no means as bad as it first appears and you should be able to enjoy your weekend in relative peace. Your lucky baseball field is Washington Park in Los Angeles.

GeminiGemini May 21 – June 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Gemini Donald Trump may well be ramping up the pressure on North Korea at the moment but this week you’ll be the one that has to manipulate the ongoing situation to save everyone from an uncertain and unstable future. It may not appear easy to sway the circumstance but with the perfect horoscope for betting the chances are if you follow your gut you’ll be able to steer things in the right direction and pick a few winners at Bet365. Your lucky portable blood testing device is the mChip from the USA.

CancerCancer June 21 – July 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Cancer Deborah Harry may have thought “The Tide Is High” but this week you’ll be the one that catches a wave and is sped on your way in favourable seas that will quickly bring new horizons into sharper focus. This is an excellent time to begin new projects and establish new precedents so if you’re changing routines, don’t worry, you’ll settle in quite quickly and find you’ve been among like-minded people all along. Your lucky conqueror of Majorca is Alfonso III of Aragorn, King from 1285 to 1291.

LeoLeo July 23 – August 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Leo Jerry Garcia might have been part of the legendary rock group The Grateful Dead but this week it’ll be you that finds themselves in the spotlight. It might seem a good time to keep your head down but counter-intuitively this is your time to shine so don’t be backward at pushing yourself forward when opportunity comes knocking. Your weekend won’t go to plan but that won’t matter because the plans weren’t that great to start with. Your lucky volleyball team is HAOK Mladost Zagreb from Croatia.

VirgoVirgo August 23 – September 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Virgo Gloria Gaynor may have proclaimed “I Will Survive” but this week it may be you that has to assure others you’re not about to vanish. Some of them could take quite a bit of persuading but with one of the most lucky zodiac signs this week you should be able to muddle through and leave the insecure feeling a lot less lost by around midweek leaving you some spare time before the weekend to hit up Bet365 and make use of your good fortune. Your lucky Maori king is Te Rata Mahuta crowned in 1912.

LibraLibra September 23 – October 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Libra Jesse Eisenberg may well have survived the hellish wastes of “Zombieland” but this week you’ll be the one that feels surrounded by the shuffling hoards of the brainless and if you aren’t careful you might just mention it. Try to avoid it. There’s a time and a place, and this is neither one. Your weekend will be unexpectedly busy and you might want to fob off anything that can wait a while because you really won’t have time. Your lucky Estonian professional football player is Maksim Gussev of Narva.

ScorpioScorpio October 23 – November 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Scorpio Lisa Bonet may well have been one of the Huxtables in “The Cosby Show” but this week it’ll be you that has family issues to sort out as the past comes back to haunt you. Don’t lose your rag and remember that some problems solve themselves and don’t actually require any action on your part, just some patience. Be sure to keep your weekend free, there’ll be plenty to do without you adding to it with prior arrangements. Your lucky former Indian Cricketer is Ramesh Dewan born Khanewat in 1938.

SagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Sagittarius C S Lewis may have written “The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe” but this week it’ll be you that has to worry about the skeletons in their closet. It won’t matter so much what people find out as how they discover it so if in doubt it’ll be better to come clean than let the grapevine do the talking for you. Try to be as honest as you can be without betraying the confidences of others and try to find some time to relax. Your lucky Governor of Yamagata Prefecture is Shinobu Agata from Shizuoka.

CapricornCapricorn December 22 – January 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Capricorn Sienna Miller may well be rumored to be making moves on the Hollywood’s most eligible single man, Brad Pitt, but this week it’ll be you that gets the green light to pursue a romantic avenue you’d long thought closed. There’s a good chance it’ll work out as you expect so be very sure this is still applicable and not just an echo of times now long since gone. Your weekend will be a tad boring but very restful for that. Your lucky educational institution is Onslow St Audrey’s School in Hatfield, UK.

AquariusAquarius January 20 – February 18

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Aquarius Justin Timberlake may well have assisted Janet Jackson in making the Super Bowl half time show a legendary event in its own right but this week it’ll be you that has to pull off a miracle in order to save the day. Even if it turns into a bit of a do-or-die circumstance you’re still going to have muddle through, but with the perfect horoscope for gambling the chances are if you trust your first impulse you’ll be find the solution and indeed the winners at Bet365. Your lucky dog is Tintin’s “Snowy”.

PiscesPisces February 19 – March 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Pisces Liza Minnelli may have starred in “Cabaret” but this week it’ll be you that comes to understand they’re in the chorus of a much bigger performance. Being part of the team is important and you’ll do far more good letting others take the lead rather than attempt to do so yourself with the results speaking for themselves. You’ll need to do a friend a favor before the week is out but since it will be reciprocated in due course it’s a good investment of effort. Your lucky travel hub is the Gileston Railway Station.

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