Fortune Telling With Poker Cards – Basic Cartomancy
Posted: March 25, 2023
Updated: March 25, 2023
Poker and esoterics
Predict your future with poker cards
Fortune telling with poker cards

We dedicated this article to discovering the mysterious and esoteric ways of fortune-telling with poker cards. If you love these things, then I highly recommend you try them yourself. It is a lot of fun, and you can discover yourself. I can recommend this to those who don’t believe in these things at all. Because in the end, it’s all just psychology and self-discovery. Which I think is important for a person who wants to win at poker.
Are you a fellow fan of the mysterious esoterics? Then this is the best time to learn how to do fortune-telling with poker cards. This is not just a cheap replacement for Tarot. Because there is a whole community revolving around cartomancy. Which is the art of divination through playing cards. You can always enjoy a good game of poker at online poker sites in Canada. But learning such an intriguing skill will not always come knocking at your door.
Perhaps, the power of the Arcana has led to your curiosity here. Or maybe, it’s just your interest in online poker. Even if you are not a fan of the mystical, it is a fun thing to try to predict the future. Furthermore, it’s good to check the Arcana before gambling.
Fortune Telling With Poker Cards
I have already written my favorite guide on Gambling with Tarot Cards. It’s time to reverse the topic and show you how to do fortune-telling with poker cards. Let me introduce you to the basics of fortune telling before we begin to discover the mystery of cartomancy. However, if you are only here to find a poker site. Then let me recommend Everygame Poker.

The general idea of fortune-telling consists of four main suits. These are the Minor and Major arcana. The Major Arcana tells of a greater picture and long-term fortune. While the Minor Arcana gives an insight into details of the established Major Arcana. The following numbers you should use in a deck:
- Major Arcana: 22 unique cards.
- Minor Arcana: 56 cards divided into 4 suits (14 cards each) – These represent Creativity, Will, Emotions, and Reasons on different levels and dimensions.
Tarot Reading For Beginners
Now that you understand how to imagine fortune-telling with poker cards. Let me talk about the essence of Fortune Telling and Tarots. Because it is a large misconception that these tarots are obvious scams. The card can be interlinked with psychology. Because these cards give you a story in which you can insert yourself. And it’s you who understands the role distribution.

According to NBC News, Tarot at most can tell us the cycles of our lives. But there is subconscious wisdom beneath it. If I tell you, that you are going to face a trial, and someone evil is actively working against you. Can you insert this into your current situation? Yes. But everyone decides who is evil in their own lives. This is a way to discover your truth. And it doesn’t have to involve magic or questionable esoterics.
Is Fortune Telling With Poker Cards Valid?
I understand that you are questioning the reason for using poker cards. Because most adults can afford a deck of Tarot Cards. However, using poker cards does not only serve as a replacement. According to Reddit, many people use this method as their go-to. There is a whole online community dedicated to the act of cartomancy. Which is the act of using playing cards to predict the future.
There is a meaning system to each card. Therefore, you can not make up your meanings. Or maybe you can, who knows? No one can tell you what to do while fortune telling. It is not about being book smart. It’s about your connection to the world, cosmos, unconsciousness, and self. There are several different lists of meanings people have invented. However, the community tends to agree on the traditional rule set.
Cartomancy – The List Of Cards
There is a general method to do fortune telling with poker cards. According to Mind Body Green, the following meanings are attached to the minor arcana suits:
- Spades: Events or challenges
- Hearts: Feelings and Relationships
- Clubs: Positive things
- Diamonds: Possessions and Finances
Each of these suits will have 13 cards/numbers. This means that you can read a situation by drawing any Tarot format. I highly recommend you draw three cards for the most basic set. However, you can pull as many cards as you wish. After all, some people pull the whole deck and study the placements. But for beginners, I recommend pulling 1 card for the current situation. And 3 cards for a continuous story-like read.
Fortune Telling With Poker Cards
Now that you grasp the basics of cartomancy. I highly recommend you try this out with yourself or a friend. Because it can be a new hobby and honestly?

It makes a poker player all the more interesting. Imagine a professional poker player talking about fortune telling while playing during the WSOP. I think it only builds character if a person learns these things.
Because liking esoterics is not a sign of being a fool. You can enjoy these things even if you are not religious. Because it is a wonderful hobby such as playing Dungeons & Dragons or participating in sports. If you are esoteric, then check out our Gambling Horoscopes.
Where To Play Poker Online?
We have discussed just everything on fortune telling with poker cards. Once again, if you are here to play poker, then let me recommend you Everygame Poker once more. Because you can even use your first hand in a poker match to do fortune-telling while the other players are thinking about their move.
And if you enjoy mysterious and epic things. Then please take a look at my other article about the Gods of gambling. Make sure to not miss out on this chance to try playing for cash online!
Click here to play online casino Everygame Poker