First Online New Jersey Casino to be Launched in November
Posted: September 12, 2013
Updated: October 4, 2017
New Jersey to get Real Money Online Casino by November 23rd

After Delaware’s launching of their Facebook based casino, it seems like New Jersey are next in line to release an online casino in America. The state is confident that there will be a licensee up and running by November 23rd, to be precise, as regulators continue to process license applications this month.
Since the changes in American gambling laws that have legalized online casinos, three states have changed their own regulations to allow it. Delaware jumped the gun with their Facebook casino, while Nevada’s delays are surprising, considering they were the first to launch a licensed online poker room earlier this year.
With California waiting in the wings after their draft bill missed the legislative window, New Jersey have taken the opportunity to leap ahead of their competitors, yet it remains to be seen how much competition will be allowed across the US.
Currently, the new laws have stated that the online casinos, poker rooms and gambling sites are only able to offer their services to gamers within their state. This has meant caused Delaware to see their online casino offerings as more of a chance to promote their land based casinos than as a real revenue stream.
With recent developments in social gambling, their Facebook based online and mobile casino, DoubleDown Casino Slots & Poker, offers users a free play casino to try out games they can find at the land based casinos. This use of social gambling as a marketing tool is seen as a potential way to attract new players, thanks to promotions and other special offers. With tools such as location tracking now on the market, casinos can market directly to players in the area.
Meanwhile, New Jersey is likely to steal a march on their neighboring states with the award of the first real money licenses.